How to install Nginx, PHP5-fpm, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Postfix on a Ubuntu server using Easy Engine shell script

easyengineIn this tutorial we will show you how to install Nginx, PHP5 (fpm) with Zend OPCache, MySQL, PHPMyadmin, Postfix on an Ubuntu server in less than 20 minutes. We will use Easy Engine for this purpose.

You are probably wondering what is Easy Engine? It is a Linux shell-script to install, manage and host WordPress-Nginx websites on an Ubuntu/Debian server. It works only on a operating system based on Debian because unfortunately there is no support for RPM based systems like CentOS. This script will install Nginx, PHP5-fpm, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command, thus making it easy for every user that has little experience in working with a Linux VPS.

Nginx is an open source reverse proxy server and can be deployed to serve dynamic HTTP content on the network using FastCGI, SCGI handlers for scripts, WSGI application servers or Phusion Passenger module, and it can serve as a software load balancer. It is a better free alternative to Apache because it is lightweight and RAM-friendly. It also performs better and faster than Apache, particularly when the number of concurrent site visitors is on the rise.

To sum up, Easy Enginge (ee) is built to simplify the process of installing, configuring and managing Nginx (or full LEMP stack to be correct) to host websites on a Ubuntu server. It’s most notable features are:

- Automatically tweaks server configuration as per available hardware resources;
- Supports automatic updates;
- It will install w3-total-cache, wp-super-cache, NGINX’s fastcgi-cache, Zend Opcache, and Memcache;
- Install Nginx, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command.

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Install WordPress with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

HipHopHHVM is an open-source virtual machine designed for executing programs written in PHP. HHVM stands for HipHop Virtual Machine and it was initially developed by Facebook to boost up their application performance, and for those who don’t know MariaDB is a drop-in replacement for MySQL. In this tutorial we will show you step by step how to install WordPress with HHVM, Nginx and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 12.04 LTS VPS.

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How to install WordPress Multisite on Centos VPS with Apache


Today we will guide you through the installation process of WordPress Multisite on your Centos VPS. The WordPress Multisite option became available with WordPress 3.0. This feature allows you – the website administrator – to create multiple websites without the need of installing separate WordPress instances, creating separate home directories or separate databases. Or, you can allow other users to create their own websites on your WordPress installation.

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Run WordPress+W3TotalCache with LEMP (Nginx, PHP-FPM+APC and MySQL) stack on CentOS 6 VPS for maximum performance

How to Install WordPress+W3TotalCache with LEMP (Nginx, PHP-FPM and MySQL) stack on CentOS 6 VPSNginx is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP web-server which unlike some other web-servers, it does not rely on threaded handling of the requests but instead it uses a much more scalable event driven (asynchronous) architecture.

This uses a very small and predictable amount of memory under heavy load. Nginx in combination with the simple and very robust FastCGI Process Manager for PHP (PHP-FPM) and the world most popular database server MySQL can give you a lot of power and performance while still using a small memory footprint.

The following article is all about how to install and configure LEMP Stack on a CentOS 6 VPS and host blazing fast WordPress powered web applications.

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How to easily secure and protect your WordPress website

secure and protect wordpressWordPress is currently the most popular content management system in use; studies estimate that one in every six websites on the Internet runs on WordPress. With WordPress being so popular it’s a tempting target for hackers.
In order to secure and protect your WordPress based website from being hacked, follow these simple methods:

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Script: Install WordPress on a Debian/Ubuntu VPS

Previously we explained how to install WordPress on a Debian VPS. Also you can install WordPress on Debian or Ubuntu VPS in an easier way, using the script provided in this article. This script will create a MySQL database, will download and configure the latest WordPress version and create Apache virtual host for you automatically. All you need to do is to create a file on your WordPress VPS with the content shown below, make the file executable, execute it and enter a few parameters.

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6 Essential WordPress Performance Optimization Tips

wordpress performance optimizationListed below are a few tips to help you get the most out of your WordPress site:

Use reliable Hosting
It is one of the most significant factors when running a successful WordPress based website. Generally, there are three types of hosting that are available to host your WordPress site: Shared, VPS and Dedicated server hosting. You will get the best possible results in terms of performance and flexibility if you host and maintain your WordPress blog on a VPS Hosting solution.

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