Script: Install WordPress on a Debian/Ubuntu VPS

Previously we explained how to install WordPress on a Debian VPS. Also you can install WordPress on Debian or Ubuntu VPS in an easier way, using the script provided in this article. This script will create a MySQL database, will download and configure the latest WordPress version and create Apache virtual host for you automatically. All you need to do is to create a file on your WordPress VPS with the content shown below, make the file executable, execute it and enter a few parameters.

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Install WordPress on Debian VPS

Today we will show you how to install WordPress on a Debian VPS using Apache web-server and MySQL database. WordPress is an open source CMS, often used as a blog publishing application powered by PHP and MySQL. Currently WordPress is the most popular of the blogging platforms available. Before you begin installing, please make sure you have Apache/PHP and MySQL installed on your WordPress VPS .


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