How to Set Up WordPress Multisite with OpenLiteSpeed on Ubuntu 20.04

how to install wordpress multisite with openlitespeed on ubuntu 20.04

WordPress is a free, open-source, and one of the best content management systems around the world. It is based on PHP and uses MySQL/MariaDB as a database backend. It provides a simple and easier way to create a simple to advanced blog or website. It provides a web-based frontend to create and manage a website.

OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, lightweight, open-source HTTP server edition of LiteSpeed Web Server Enterprise.

In this guide, we will show you how to install WordPress multisite with OpenLiteSpeed on Ubuntu 20.04 server. A multisite network is a group of sites sharing the same WordPress installation and could also have the same plugins and themes.

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Multisite WordPress Cluster Auto Installation

multisite wordpress cluster auto installation

If you have multiple standalone WordPress websites, then it’s a good idea to go with WordPress multisite network.
Multisite WordPress installation allows you to create and manage multiple WordPress websites from a single dashboard. This way, you can edit and update all of your websites from a single place. You can also install and activate plugins and themes for multiple sites at once.

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How to Set up WordPress Multisite with Subdirectories

In this tutorial, we’ll be covering how you can install WordPress in a subdirectory and at the same time leave the parent domain name or WordPress instance unaffected.

Have you ever considered running another instance of WordPress in a subdirectory? This installation should help you learn how to run multiple WordPress instances under the same domain or subdomain name. This can be useful in some cases, such as running several blogs without having to use separate domain names for each one or having a test blog where you can dry-run changes to plugins and stylesheets without risking anything on your production website. Let’s get started.

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How to install WordPress Multisite on Centos VPS with Apache


Today we will guide you through the installation process of WordPress Multisite on your Centos VPS. The WordPress Multisite option became available with WordPress 3.0. This feature allows you – the website administrator – to create multiple websites without the need of installing separate WordPress instances, creating separate home directories or separate databases. Or, you can allow other users to create their own websites on your WordPress installation.

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