VPS vs Dedicated Server: Choosing the Right Hosting Solution

vps vs dedicated server comparison

Hosting a website plays a crucial role in the success of businesses and individuals alike. The choice between VPS (Virtual Private Server) and dedicated server hosting is a common dilemma for tech professionals and entrepreneurs. Both options offer unique advantages and challenges, catering to different hosting requirements. Let’s go over VPS vs. dedicated server hosting, their benefits and drawbacks, and provide practical tips to help you make an informed decision for your business.

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How To Install pgAdmin 4 On Debian 10

how to install pgAdmin 4 on a debian 10 vps

pgAdmin is an open-source and one of the most widely used PostgreSQL database management systems. It comes with a simple and powerful web UI that can be used to write any SQL queries to perform database-related operations. It’s written in Python and supports many operating systems such as Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

installing pgadmin 4 on debian 10

pgAdmin is very useful for both beginners and experienced Postgres users to create, manage, maintain a database from a web browser. In this post, we will show you how to install pgAdmin4 on Debian 10 VPS.

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How to Install and Configure a Simple DNS (BIND) Server on Debian 9

How to Install and Configure a Simple DNS (BIND) Server on Debian 9

In the following tutorial, we’re going to go through the process of installing and configuring a simple DNS (BIND) server on your Debian 9 VPS. This will allow you to host/manage the DNS records for your domain/s.

Before we proceed with the setup process, let’s first talk about what the Domain Name System (DNS) is, as well as what a DNS server is.Installing and Configuring a Simple DNS BIND Server in Debian 9

The Domain Name System (DNS) is technology that resolves the domain names/hostnames to IP addresses so that we can easily access the services using domain names instead of using IP addresses. For example, if you wanted to visit a website through its IP address, you’d have to enter a specific IP in the web browser’s address bar. But with the DNS, you can simply type “your_domain.com” to get there much more quickly. It’s easier to remember, and it’s more user-friendly. That’s why people consider the DNS as “the phonebook of the Internet”. Nobody wants to remember an IP, but everyone can and does remember a domain name. A Domain Name System uses DNS servers for its functionality, so a DNS server is any authoritative DNS host registered to join the Domain Name System (DNS).

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The Advantages of VPS Hosting

 the advantages of vps hosting

What Is VPS Hosting?

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is an isolated virtual machine on a physical server. It is sold as a service by an Internet hosting provider. There can be dozens of VPSes created on a single physical server, depending on the specifications of the physical server. A VPS has its own IP address and runs its own operating system (OS), and customers usually have superuser-level access (root access), to that virtual machine, so they can install any software that runs on that OS. VPS web hosting is a way to build a website on a server that offers more power, security and stability. Falling in between the more traditional shared hosting and the very expensive dedicated servers of huge organizations, virtual private servers (VPS) offer the best of both worlds.

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How to install Laravel on cPanel

How to Install Laravel on cPanel
How to Install Laravel on cPanel

Install Laravel on cPanelWe will show you, how to install Laravel on cPanel. Laravel is the most starred PHP framework on Github and also the most preferred framework of PHP developers. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for a cPanel VPS. Let’s get started with the installation of Laravel on your cPanel server.

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