How to manage multiple WordPress sites from a single place using the MainWP plugin

manage multiple WordPress sites from a single place using the MainWP plugin

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install two WordPress instances on separate virtual servers with Ubuntu 16.04 OS and Apache, PHP and MySQL installed on them, and how to manage them from a single place using the MainWP WordPress plugin. WordPress is one of the most popular free content management systems, written in PHP that allows web developers to build websites for any purpose. The MainWP dashboard plugin will allow you to manage your WordPress websites from one central location and get nearly complete control of all your WordPress based websites from the MainWP Dashboard.

This tutorial was tested and written for an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS, but it should work on any Linux distribution.

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How to install WooCommerce plugin on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS

woocommerce vps
In this tutorial we are going to provide you with step by step instructions on how to install WooCommerce plugin on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.
WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin written in PHP that allows website developers to turn a WordPress website into a full-featured online store. The installation process is fairly easy and it takes only a couple of minutes.
At the time of writing this tutorial, the latest stable version of WooCommerce is 2.6.4 and it requires:

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Install WordPress with Nginx on openSUSE

Install WordPress with Nginx on openSUSE

As you already know WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL which you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app.

In this article we will install WordPress with Nginx on an openSUSE VPS. So follow the easy steps below and you will have a fully functional WordPress site on your openSUSE Linux VPS.

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How to secure WordPress on a Linux VPS

wordpress-logoWordPress is by far the most popular tool for creating original websites and blogs. In fact, more than 60 million people use WordPress to run their websites or blogs. Having in mind its popularity, WordPress is a common target of different types of attacks. Hackers will try to exploit any WordPress weakness in order to steal important user information, install malicious software etc. and that is why it is important to secure the WordPress installation on your Linux VPS.

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How to upgrade a WordPress website via SSH

wordpress-logo-notext-rgbKeeping your WordPress installation, plugins and themes up to date is very important. You have to continually update WordPress immediately after a new version is released. The new versions will bring you new features, bug fixes, stability improvements and the most important – security fixes. If you do not update your WordPress  website it is very likely that your website will be hacked at some point. In this case you can lose your website content, your customers, lose your Google ranking, your website can be defaced, your server can be used for spamming, and many more. So, updating WordPress should be on the top of your list when it comes to the security of your Linux virtual server.

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Install WordPress using SVN on a CentOS 7 VPS

There are multiple ways of installing WordPress. In this tutorial we will download and install WordPress CMS using SVN on a CentOS 7 VPS .

What is SVN?

SVN stands for Apache Subversion which is a software versioning and revision control system distributed as free software under the Apache License. Many developers use Subversion to maintain current and historical versions of files such as source code, web pages, and documentation.

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Install and run WordPress cached with Redis on a Linux VPS

redisWordPress page loading speed can be very slow, especially if your site have many visitors and/or you use a lot of plugins. Caching is the best way to improve the loading speed of a WordPress website and overall users experience. In this guide, we will walk you through the basic installation process of WordPress on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS. with Nginx, MariaBD and PHP FPM and setting up a Redis cache to boost WordPress performance. This should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for Ubuntu 14.04.

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How to Install WordPress on CentOS 7

Install WordPress on CentOS 7

We will show you, how to install WordPress on Centos 7, using Apache web-server and MySQL database. WordPress is a web software (content management system) you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. An open source CMS, WordPress is often used as a blog publishing application powered by PHP and MySQL. Currently it is the most popular of the blogging platforms available. Installing WordPress on CentOS 7 is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial below.

Before you start the installation, please make sure that you have LAMP stack installed on your server. If not, follow our excellent tutorial about installing LAMP (Linux Apache, MariaDB & PHP) on CentOS 7.

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