Concrete5 is a powerful open source content management system (CMS) written in PHP. It is designed for users with a minimum of technical skills thus allowing them to deploy complex content driven websites and easily manage their content and structure.
Concrete5 comes with many features such as WYSIWYG text editor, integrated spellchecker, content scheduling, advanced permissions system and more.
In this article we will show you how to install gpEasy CMS on a Ubuntu 14.04 VPS using Nginx web-server and PHP5-FPM.
gpEasy is a simple and powerful CMS. It was designed to be an easy to use, but lightweight and fully functional content management system (CMS).
gpEasy CMS doesn’t require you to setup any databases and allows you to edit your website on the fly since it’s flat-file based.
Nginx is a lightweight but very powerful web server. It’s known to be ultimately stable and high-performance HTTP server.
PHP5-FPM stands for PHP5 FastCGI Process Manager and it is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some additional features useful for sites of any size, especially busier sites.
We’ll assume that unzip is installed on your Linux VPS. If not, run the following command to install the program:
In this tutorial we will show you how to install Nginx, PHP5 (fpm) with Zend OPCache, MySQL, PHPMyadmin, Postfix on an Ubuntu server in less than 20 minutes. We will use Easy Engine for this purpose.
You are probably wondering what is Easy Engine? It is a Linux shell-script to install, manage and host WordPress-Nginx websites on an Ubuntu/Debian server. It works only on a operating system based on Debian because unfortunately there is no support for RPM based systems like CentOS. This script will install Nginx, PHP5-fpm, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command, thus making it easy for every user that has little experience in working with a Linux VPS.
Nginx is an open source reverse proxy server and can be deployed to serve dynamic HTTP content on the network using FastCGI, SCGI handlers for scripts, WSGI application servers or Phusion Passenger module, and it can serve as a software load balancer. It is a better free alternative to Apache because it is lightweight and RAM-friendly. It also performs better and faster than Apache, particularly when the number of concurrent site visitors is on the rise.
To sum up, Easy Enginge (ee) is built to simplify the process of installing, configuring and managing Nginx (or full LEMP stack to be correct) to host websites on a Ubuntu server. It’s most notable features are:
- Automatically tweaks server configuration as per available hardware resources;
- Supports automatic updates;
- It will install w3-total-cache, wp-super-cache, NGINX’s fastcgi-cache, Zend Opcache, and Memcache;
- Install Nginx, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command.