Data Center Location: Does It Really Matter?

importance of data center location does it matter

Have you ever wondered about the role of data center location when loading your website or someone purchasing a product from you? It’s not just about the servers or the cutting-edge technology. Where a data center is situated can significantly influence your customers’ online experience. Considering US data centers, or other global options, the data center location affects everything from loading speed to your conversions.

We’re here to point out what server location means and how it enhances speed and reduces latency, playing a vital role in your day-to-day digital interactions. You’ll also discover the benefits of using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to boost performance, understand what factors will actually make a difference to your clients, and more.

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How to Improve the Speed and Rank of a WordPress Website


WordPress is one of the most widely-used platforms to host a website. Learning how to improve the speed and rank of a WordPress website is a hot topic these days. With more and more users sharing their ideas online using CMSes, having a WordPress site that stands out is important.

improve speed and rank of wordPress website guide

There are several techniques that you can implement to increase the speed of your WordPress-based website. Fast loading pages improve the overall user experience, increase your website page views, and boost SEO ranks. Therefore, knowing how to speed up WordPress is an essential skill for any webmaster.

Without taking the right actions, you could end up with a sluggish site. That will cause you to lose repeated visitors, subscribers, and customers. In this tutorial, we are here to explain some useful techniques to speed up your WordPress website.

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How to Speed Up WordPress and Boost Performance on an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS

WordPress is one of the most popular open-source content management systems around the globe. It’s one of the easiest blogging platforms to get started with, as evidenced by over 35.2% of all websites being powered by WordPress. If you are already a webmaster or a blog owner, then speeding up and boosting the performance of your website should be one of your top priorities. In this tutorial, we will show you some useful tips to speed up any WordPress website, as well as explain why it’s important to do so.

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6 Essential WordPress Performance Optimization Tips

wordpress performance optimizationListed below are a few tips to help you get the most out of your WordPress site:

Use reliable Hosting
It is one of the most significant factors when running a successful WordPress based website. Generally, there are three types of hosting that are available to host your WordPress site: Shared, VPS and Dedicated server hosting. You will get the best possible results in terms of performance and flexibility if you host and maintain your WordPress blog on a VPS Hosting solution.

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