Previously we explained how to install WordPress on a Debian VPS. Also you can install WordPress on Debian or Ubuntu VPS in an easier way, using the script provided in this article. This script will create a MySQL database, will download and configure the latest WordPress version and create Apache virtual host for you automatically. All you need to do is to create a file on your WordPress VPS with the content shown below, make the file executable, execute it and enter a few parameters.
Create a new file and paste the script:
# nano wpinstall
#!/bin/bash # # Install WordPress on a Debian/Ubuntu VPS # # Create MySQL database read -p "Enter your MySQL root password: " rootpass read -p "Database name: " dbname read -p "Database username: " dbuser read -p "Enter a password for user $dbuser: " userpass echo "CREATE DATABASE $dbname;" | mysql -u root -p$rootpass echo "CREATE USER '$dbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$userpass';" | mysql -u root -p$rootpass echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* TO '$dbuser'@'localhost';" | mysql -u root -p$rootpass echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql -u root -p$rootpass echo "New MySQL database is successfully created" # Download, unpack and configure WordPress read -r -p "Enter your WordPress URL? [e.g.]: " wpURL wget -q -O - "" | tar -xzf - -C /var/www --transform s/wordpress/$wpURL/ chown www-data: -R /var/www/$wpURL && cd /var/www/$wpURL cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php chmod 640 wp-config.php mkdir uploads sed -i "s/database_name_here/$dbname/;s/username_here/$dbuser/;s/password_here/$userpass/" wp-config.php # Create Apache virtual host echo " ServerName $wpURL ServerAlias www.$wpURL DocumentRoot /var/www/$wpURL DirectoryIndex index.php Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined " > /etc/apache2/sites-available/$wpURL # Enable the site a2ensite $wpURL service apache2 restart # Output WPVER=$(grep "wp_version = " /var/www/$wpURL/wp-includes/version.php |awk -F\' '{print $2}') echo -e "\nWordPress version $WPVER is successfully installed!" echo -en "\aPlease go to http://$wpURL and finish the installation\n"
Make the script executable:
# chmod +x wpinstall
Execute the script:
# ./wpinstall
For updates, you can also read our post on How to Install WordPress with Nginx on Debian 10.
friend was on the fence trying to decide on VPS, this might just push him over.
Also a script for UFW, to change ports, and webmin/virtual min instal would be nice
referred a friend to host with you.
That’s a good script. I was writing my own and decided to see how many others I could find.
The question I have here, is WP Authentication Unique Keys and Salts. Those are going to be blank if you just copy over the sample wordpress config file. Unless I’m missing something when its ran the 1st time.
You could generate the authentication unique keys and salts using WordPress secret key generator at and add them to your wp-config.php file.
Thanks very much for this script, used it successfully to automate WordPress installs, the only change I’d suggest is telling users they may need to run …
sudo ./wpinstall
so that all the permissions are setup.
just found this — nice script. any ideas what expression to use to include the SALT text in the file?
salt=”$( curl )”
sed -i “s/[some REGEX I’m not sure] /$salt/” wp-config.php
Is there an error in the script? Should it be:
echo “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* TO ‘$dbuser’@’localhost’
and not
echo “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $dbname.* TO ‘$bduser’@’localhost’
Thanks for noticing. This has been fixed.
Hi, does this script require a pre-installed LAMP/LEMP environment? Or I can just install it with a new server?
You need to have Apache, PHP and MySQL pre-installed.
hi, need to know details about manually if we want to access all of installed of this script, cause i’m new on server admin.
also, when i setup domain, they said domain not exsist. how can fix this?
Hi Juanita,
The script installs WordPress in the ‘/var/www/YOURDOMAN’ directory on your server, so you can access the WordPress files in this directory.
Can you please be more specific about the domain setup? Where exactly you are getting the ‘domain not exist’ message?
Hello does Rose hosting have a one-click app for SlickStack LEMP server in WordPress?
We can help you with this setup. Feel free to contact us via live chat or send an email to for more information.
Using your script which is a great help, but I’m find that its creating a virtual site, and having to add it afterwards.
If you don’t want the virtual host to be created after running the script you can remove the “#Create Apache virtual host until #Enable the site” area.