How to Install a Mail Server with PostfixAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial, we’ll be covering the process of setting up a mail server with Postfix, Dovecot, Postfixadmin and MariaDB on an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS. But first, what is PostfixAdmin?

PostfixAdmin is an open-source web-based application written in PHP that’s used to create virtual domains and email accounts for a Postfix mail server. Using PostfixAdmin, we can manage mailboxes & aliases, set quotas, configure vacation/out-of-the-office messages, and more. Plus, the web-based interface gives you the user-friendliness of a browser window with a UI.

PostfixAdmin allows us to use virtual email addresses and virtual mailboxes, so we do not need to create a new system user account for each email address. Considering all of these details, PostfixAdmin is a versatile tool and can be used for almost all of your mailing needs. This tutorial goes quite in-depth and may take some time to configure everything properly. Let’s get started with the installation steps.

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How to set up a mail server with PostfixAdmin on CentOS 7

In this article, we will show you how to setup and configure a mail server with PostfixAdmin, Postfix, Dovecot and SQLite on a CentOS VPS. PostfixAdmin is a PHP-based web front-end that allows you to manage virtual domains and users for a Postfix mail transport agent. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for a CentOS 7 VPS.

If you use Ubuntu, follow our tutorial to set up Postfix, Dovecot, Spamassassin, SQLite and PostfixAdmin on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS with Nginx and PHP 7.0

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Set Up a Mail Server with PostfixAdmin

setup and configure a mail server with postfixadmin

postfixadminIn this article, we will show you how to set up and configure a mail server with Postfix, Dovecot, Spamassassin, SQLite and PostfixAdmin on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS with Nginx and PHP 7.0. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. To set up a mail server with PostfixAdmin, just follow the steps below.

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How to install Nginx, PHP5-fpm, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Postfix on a Ubuntu server using Easy Engine shell script

easyengineIn this tutorial we will show you how to install Nginx, PHP5 (fpm) with Zend OPCache, MySQL, PHPMyadmin, Postfix on an Ubuntu server in less than 20 minutes. We will use Easy Engine for this purpose.

You are probably wondering what is Easy Engine? It is a Linux shell-script to install, manage and host WordPress-Nginx websites on an Ubuntu/Debian server. It works only on a operating system based on Debian because unfortunately there is no support for RPM based systems like CentOS. This script will install Nginx, PHP5-fpm, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command, thus making it easy for every user that has little experience in working with a Linux VPS.

Nginx is an open source reverse proxy server and can be deployed to serve dynamic HTTP content on the network using FastCGI, SCGI handlers for scripts, WSGI application servers or Phusion Passenger module, and it can serve as a software load balancer. It is a better free alternative to Apache because it is lightweight and RAM-friendly. It also performs better and faster than Apache, particularly when the number of concurrent site visitors is on the rise.

To sum up, Easy Enginge (ee) is built to simplify the process of installing, configuring and managing Nginx (or full LEMP stack to be correct) to host websites on a Ubuntu server. It’s most notable features are:

- Automatically tweaks server configuration as per available hardware resources;
- Supports automatic updates;
- It will install w3-total-cache, wp-super-cache, NGINX’s fastcgi-cache, Zend Opcache, and Memcache;
- Install Nginx, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command.

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How to Install And Integrate DKIM With OpenDKIM And Postfix On a CentOS 6 VPS


This tutorial is part 5 of the mailserver set-up with virtual users and domains using Postfix and Dovecot series. It goes through the steps of installing and integrating OpenDKIM in Postfix on a CentOS 6 Linux VPS.

After completing this tutorial you will end up having OpenDKIM adding digital signatures to your emails, thus making the mailserver set-up even more robust and professional.

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How to install and integrate SpamAssassin with Postfix on a CentOS 6 VPS

spamassassinThe following article is part 4 of our mailserver set-up with virtual users and domains using Postfix and Dovecot on a CentOS 6 VPS, followed by part 2 which explains how to install and set-up the Roundcube webmail interface on a linux vps server and then part 3 which is all about how to set-up an SSL encrypted connection in Postfix, Dovecot and Apache using SSL certificates.

In this tutorial we are going to set-up SpamAssassin on one of our CentOS 6 linux virtual servers and integrate it into our Postfix mailserver set-up so it can scan and mark the emails detected as SPAM.

What is SpamAssassin?

It is a program released under the Apache License 2.0 used for e-mail spam filtering based on content-matching rules.

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