How To Set Up Apache with HTTP/2 on Ubuntu 16.04

apache http2

We’ll show you, How To Set Up Apache with HTTP/2. HTTP/2 is the first major HTTP protocol update since 1997. The main goal of HTTP/2 is to decrease latency, reduce total number of TCP connections, thus improve page load speed in web browsers. HTTP/2 is backwards-compatible with HTTP/1.1, all application semantics of HTTP are the same, except the way of transmitting data via TCP connection. HTTP/2 leverages multiplexing and allows asynchronous (parallel) requests and provides data compression of HTTP headers. Also, the server push method in HTTP/2 allows server to send multiple responses for a single request.

HTTP/2 support is not included in Ubuntu 16.04, neither with nginx nor with Apache because this feature is considered as experimental by the Apache httpd upstream project, so it is not possible to enable it on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS using the a2enmod command:

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Install Sails.js on CentOS 7

Install Sails.js on CentOS 7

We’ll show you, how to install Sails.js on  CentOS 7,  with Apache configured as a reverse proxy. Sails.js is a Javascript framework designed to emulate the familiar MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requirements of modern apps:
data-driven APIs with a scalable, service-oriented architecture.
Sails.js is database agnostic, automatically generates a RESTful JSON API for your app, provides basic security and role-based access control by default, has automatic asset minification and many more.

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How to use EasyApache 3 with WHM/cPanel

How to use EasyApache 3 with WHM/cPanel

EasyApache is very useful software provided by WHM that can be used to install, modify, update, and validate the Apache web server, PHP, Tomcat, and other components of the web server installed and running on your Linux VPS with WHM/cPanel. In this tutorial we will show you how to to use EasyApache 3 to change the Apache web server or PHP version and install PHP and Apache modules.

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How to install LAMP on Debian 8

How to install LAMP on Debian 8

We’ll show you, how to install LAMP on Debian 8. A LAMP stack is a synonym of LAMP server or LAMP web server. It refers to a set-up which includes Linux, Apache, MySQL (MariaDB) and PHP. Installing LAMP on Debian 8, is fairly easy task and should not take more then 10 minutes.

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Install Phabricator on CentOS 7

Install Phabricator on CentOS 7

In today’s article we will cover the steps on how to install Phabricator on a CentOS 7 VPS with Apache web server, PHP and MariaDB the enhanced, drop-in replacement for MySQL. Phabricator is an open source collection of web applications which help software companies build better software. It includes the Differential code review tool, the Diffusion repository browser, the Herald change monitoring tool, the Maniphest bug tracker and the Phriction wiki. Currently maintained by Phacility, it was originally developed as an internal tool at Facebook. It is available as free software under the Apache License, version 2.

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Install LAMP (Linux Apache MariaDB and PHP) with phpMyAdmin on Fedora 20

lampIn today’s article we will cover the steps on how to install the LAMP (Linux Apache MariaDB and PHP) stack with phpMyAdmin on a Fedora 20 VPS.

LAMP represents a full featured stack containing the most popular web server known as Apache, the database server MariaDB and the most popular open-source web programming language known as PHP.

This tutorial shows how to setup LAMP on Fedora 20, but the procedure is the same for Fedora 21 OS.

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