How to Redirect a Domain

How to Redirect a Domain

We’ll show you, how to redirect a domain. URL redirection, also called URL forwarding, is a World Wide Web technique for making a web page available under more than one URL address. When a web browser attempts to open a URL that has been redirected, a page with a different URL is opened. There are few ways to redirect a domain and it depends on the web server used etc. In this tutorial we are going to show you, how to redirect a domain with Apache web server and URL redirection with NGINX web server.

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How to Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install Apache Cassandra on Ubuntu 16.04

We’ll show you How to install Apache Cassandra on a Ubuntu 16.04. Apache Cassandra is a NoSQL database management system which is free and open-source. It allows managing large amounts of data with high availability without compromising the performance. Installing Apache Cassandra on a Ubuntu 16.04 is an easy task, just follow the steps bellow and you should have it done in few minutes.

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How to Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04

We’ll show you How to Install LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is a combination of open source software, typically installed on a server used for hosting dynamic websites and web applications. It includes the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, MySQL for data storage and management and PHP for handling the dynamic content. Installing LAMP on Ubuntu 16.04 is an easy task, just follow the steps below carefully.

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How to Install and Configure Odoo with mod_wsgi

odoo with mod wsgi

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Odoo 10 on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS with Apache2 and mod_wsgi which is an Apache module that implements a WSGI compliant interface for hosting Python based web applications such as Odoo on top of the Apache web server. There are multiple ways to install Odoo, but in this tutorial, we will install the latest Odoo 10 from the source using a python virtual environment. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.

Odoo (previously OpenERP) is a suite of business applications for Sales, CRM, Websites, Human Resources, Project management, Warehouse management and many more. You can extend Odoo with thousands of modules.

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How to Redirect HTTP Traffic to HTTPS in Nginx and Apache

http to https

We will show you how to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS in Nginx and Apache. You should always use HTTPS instead of HTTP to protect your website, even if it doesn’t handle sensitive communications. The main reasons to use HTTPS are:

  • Security – this is the main and most important reason to use HTTPS,  all communications between the visitor’s browser and the website are encrypted.
  • SEO Google uses HTTPS as a ranking signal, which means that if your website is using HTTPS it may get a certain boost in Google rankings.
  • Browser warnings –  if you are not using HTTPS, Google Chrome and other browsers will flag your site as “Not Secure”.
  • Trustworthiness – people usually trust a website much more if they have an SSL certificate.

To use HTTPS, you’ll need an SSL Certificate. You can get a VPS from us and we’ll install the certificate for you and properly configure Nginx/Apache to redirect all traffic to HTTPS, free of charge.

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How to set up Apache Virtual Hosts on CentOS 7

How to set up Apache Virtual Hosts on CentOS 7

Today we will show you How to setup Apache Virtual Hosts on CentOS 7. Apache is an open source web server developed for modern operating systems including UNIX and Windows. It is a secure, efficient and extensible server that provides HTTP services synchronized with the current HTTP standards.

Many people use it to host their websites and apps. In fact, according to the latest statistics, Apache is the most used web server in the world, with Windows IIS following in second and in third the Russian machinery that is Nginx. To setup Apache Virtual Hosts on CentOS 7 just follow our step by step tutorial below.

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