How to Install Sails.js Framework on AlmaLinux

How to Install Sails.js Framework on AlmaLinux

In this blog post, we are going to install the Sails.js Framework on AlmaLinux OS.

Sails.js is a Javascript framework, used for building an application in real-time without writing too much code. It is an MVC(Model-View-Controller) framework based and is developed under the Node.js environment. Sails.js offers a number of features built on Express.js and Node.js enabling the applications to be fully based on javascript. It is good to be mentioned that Sails.js provides an object-relational mapping interface using Waterlin.js. In this blog post, we are going to configure Sails.js with Apache as a reverse proxy so you can access your app via a domain name instead of using an IP address and port.

Installing Sails.js on AlmaLinux with Apache as a reverse proxy will take up to 15 minutes. Let’s get things to work!

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Install Sails.js on CentOS 7

Install Sails.js on CentOS 7

We’ll show you, how to install Sails.js on  CentOS 7,  with Apache configured as a reverse proxy. Sails.js is a Javascript framework designed to emulate the familiar MVC pattern of frameworks like Ruby on Rails, but with support for the requirements of modern apps:
data-driven APIs with a scalable, service-oriented architecture.
Sails.js is database agnostic, automatically generates a RESTful JSON API for your app, provides basic security and role-based access control by default, has automatic asset minification and many more.

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Install the Sails.js framework on an Ubuntu VPS

sailsSails.js is a real-time MVC Framework for Node.js, which makes it easy to build custom, enterprise-grade Node.js apps. Sails.js is database agnostic, automatically generates a RESTful JSON API for your app, provides basic security and role-based access control by default, has automatic asset minification and many more.

In this blog post we will show you how to install the Sails.js framework on a Ubuntu VPS with Nginx as a reverse proxy.

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