How to Install cPanel and WHM on CentOS 7

How to Install cPanel on CentOS 7
How to Install cPanel on CentOS 7


cPanel is the most popular and most widely-used control panel for managing and automating web hosting tasks. It is the world’s most intuitive and user-friendly control panel, with a very simple and straight-to-the-point graphical interface. cPanel is a Linux-based web hosting control panel, that utilizes a 3 tier structure for system administrators, resellers and end-user website owners, all via a web-browser. Other than the beautiful user interface, cPanel has command line access and API-based access for third-party software integration, for web hosting providers or developers and administrators to automate their system administration processes. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install WHM  and cPanel on CentOS 7.

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6 Common WHM/cPanel Problems

6 common cpanel/whm problems

WHM/cPanel is a great hosting control panel that eases the server administration dramatically. It has a very easy and straightforward interface for everyday use.

However, many people don’t know the difference between WHM and cPanel. So let’s make a brief explanation.

WHM (Web Hosting Manager) is the core program that has administrative access to the back-end of cPanel. With WHM you can create cPanel accounts and set global settings that apply to them or the server. You can also create reseller accounts and offer hosting services to clients or you can use it for your own personal needs.

cPanel, on the other hand, is the website management panel and allows you to create databases, email accounts, FTP users, add-on domains, subdomains etc. Each individual cPanel account controls the settings for that particular account.

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How to use EasyApache 3 with WHM/cPanel

How to use EasyApache 3 with WHM/cPanel

EasyApache is very useful software provided by WHM that can be used to install, modify, update, and validate the Apache web server, PHP, Tomcat, and other components of the web server installed and running on your Linux VPS with WHM/cPanel. In this tutorial we will show you how to to use EasyApache 3 to change the Apache web server or PHP version and install PHP and Apache modules.

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