The Best Ways to Secure your Linux Server from Attacks & Hacks

best ways to secure your linux server from attacks and hacks

Maintaining security of your Linux server is extremely important, especially if you use your Linux server for production work for your business. These measures must be configured properly in order for the system to be difficult to hack, preventing any information from being stolen. When it comes to security, Linux-based operating systems have an advantage over other OSes such as Windows or macOS. There’s lots of great tools and features that help you secure your server from unwanted attackers. Let’s go over some of the best ways to secure your Linux server from attacks and hacks.

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How to Log Into Remote MySQL Server

how to log into remote MySQL server

MySQL is the most popular database server – odds are your website is using MySQL to store its data. Sometimes we need to check or do other database related work on our website. The default configuration of MySQL server restricts access – only allowing connections from localhost, limiting connections solely to applications hosted on the same server. To enable remote access, we’ll have to modify the server settings to allow connections from external sources, adjust the permissions of the database user, configure the firewall, and so on. In this article, we will demonstrate how to log into remote MySQL server.

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How to Set up SSH Key Authentication on Linux

how to set up ssh key authentication on linux

With brute-force attacks becoming more and more common, it’s best to prevent any malicious users from ever being able to attempt to guess your password. That’s why it’s important to set up SSH key authentication on your Linux server. Using key-based authentication is a lot safer and can pretty much never be guessed by anyone else. It’s also super easy to set up. Let’s get right into it.

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Improving Server Security (Firewall, Tools, Rules, and Tips)

Improving Server Security Firewall Tools Rules and Tips
Linux Security

Securing your server from any kind of attacks is a key part of any web hosting provider or system administrator. You should implement a strong security policy to minimize risks and keep your data safe. There are several tips and tricks to improve your server’s security and protect it from malicious attempts to enter.

In this tutorial, we will show you some useful tips and tricks to secure your server.

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Why You Should Use SSL on Your Website

Why You Should Use SSL on Your Website

With the evolution of the internet, security threats have also risen to a great extent. As more and more transactions are now performed online, the threat of data being stolen and misused also continues to surge. This is why you as a business/website owner should use additional security measures (such as SSL) to protect your website and its visitors.

One of the most common ways to safeguard your website is to use the HTTPS protocol (or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). While this is common, it’s also one of the most effective ways to keep your visitors safe.

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How to Change the Default SSH Port on Linux

In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the SSH default port in Linux, and go over why changing this default port is a good idea. IMPORTANT: Before we go any further, you should understand that this is not a solution that will prevent or deter a determined hacker to attack your SSH service. It is merely a measure to help you avoid the thousands of automated bots running all the time scanning vast ranges of IP space searching for standard SSH ports being open. Preventing a determined hacker from brute-forcing your SSH service is beyond the scope of this article.

SSH, also known as Secure Shell, is the most widely-used protocol for connecting to and managing Linux systems remotely. SSH offers strong encryption and authentication along with excellent customizability, and using SSH gives you the freedom of accessing a remote machine. You can run services and software as if you were physically using the machine, no matter where you are.

By default, SSH runs on port 22. Since this is common knowledge, this port often becomes a target for brute force attacks. Because this provides full access to your server’s OS, people with malicious intent will often target port 22 more than any other port. Changing the default SSH port will prevent automated attacks that don’t spend the time to rotate ports when targeting a Linux Server. To protect your server from a brute force attack, you should change the default SSH port to something else.

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How to Use a Private Key and PuTTY to Log into Your Server Securely

Improve Login Security Using Private Keys and PuTTY

With security becoming increasingly important in today’s modern world of information theft and privacy concerns, keeping your server safe and secure has almost become a necessity. While several methods exist to properly secure your server, from using a long password to two-factor authentication, they can be quite a hassle to set up and use on a day-to-day basis. However, private keys offer a good balance between convenience and security.

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How to configure remote and secure connections for MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04

In this article, we will show you how to configure remote and secure connections for MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.  If you are using an unencrypted connection to connect to your remote MariaDB/MySQL server, then everyone with access to the network could monitor and analyze the data being sent or received between the client and the server. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS.

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