How to Fix Common Nginx Web Server Errors

how to fix common nginx web server errors

In this blog post, we are going to explain the most common Nginx web server errors and will try to give you a simple solution for every possible issue.

Nginx is a web server that can be used as a multifunction tool such as reverse proxy, load balancing, caching, and more. Nginx is free and open-source and its popularity day by day is increasing rapidly. Nginx used as an HTTP proxy, can handle more than 10 thousand simultaneous connections at once. In the next few paragraphs will be explained the five most common Nginx web server errors with possible solutions. Let’s get to work!

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Install mod_security with the OWASP core rule set on a CentOS VPS

mod-security-raise-up-your-apache-webserver-security-and-protect-against-cross-site-scripting-javascript-hacks-and-virusesMod_Security is free and open source web application firewall for Apache and Nginx. It is very useful for protecting your web server from various attacks by blocking most of the known exploits using regular expressions and rule sets. Mod_security can detect attacks by monitoring and analyzing the HTTP traffic in real time. In this blog tutorial we will guide you through the process of installing mod_security with the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) core rule set on a CentOS VPS from source.

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How to Install LCMP (Cherokee, MySQL and PHP) on CentOS 6 / RHEL 6 / Scientific Linux 6

cherokee vpsCherokee is a lightweight, flexible and completely customizable  Web server. Its speed and ease of use makes Cherokee one of the top running alternatives to Apache. Cherokee can be easily be installed using RPM packages or it can be compiled from source. If there is another Web server already installed on your virtual server, it needs to be stopped first.  

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