How to install phpBB 3 on a CentOS 6 VPS

320px-Phpbb3-ccw-logoToday’s article will be about installing and configuring phpBB3 on a CentOS 6 VPS. phpBB (PHP Bulletin Board) is one of the most popular free and open-source bulletin boards written in the PHP scripting language and used by millions of people around the world. With phpBB you can easily create your discussion boards and start your own community with just a few clicks of your mouse. phpBB is very customizable and there are a number of templates, languages, style and image packages available for it’s customization.

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Install Fork CMS on a Debian VPS

forkIn this tutorial we’ll see how to install Fork CMS on a Debian 7 (Wheezy) VPS with MySQL, PHP-FPM and Nginx
Fork CMS is an open-source Content Management System written in PHP and comes with modules, themes, multi-language support, search engine optimisation and many more. Fork CMS is dedicated to creating a user friendly environment to build, monitor and update your website.


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Optimize your CentOS 6 VPS Nginx-powered Joomla Installation

optimize-your-centos-6-vps-nginx-powered-joomla-installationAs promised, in this sequel of my previous post, we’ll see some useful steps for performance and security optimization of your Nginx-powered Joomla installation on a CentOS VPS and get it ready for its production run. Please note that these are not one-time and/or persistent settings. Performance and security optimization is a constant process.

So, the first thing I do after every Joomla installation is to hide its version, since it’s known that attackers usually scan for the Joomla version so they can track and explore its vulnerabilities.

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How to easily secure and protect your WordPress website

secure and protect wordpressWordPress is currently the most popular content management system in use; studies estimate that one in every six websites on the Internet runs on WordPress. With WordPress being so popular it’s a tempting target for hackers.
In order to secure and protect your WordPress based website from being hacked, follow these simple methods:

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VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting

vps hosting vs shared hosting

A VPS or a virtual private server provides a complete resource isolation, meaning the hardware resources like CPU, hard disk space and memory assigned to a specific virtual server are dedicated and fully available to it at all times. In a shared hosting environment all accounts on the physical server share the resources of the host server and many resources are capped and limited in order to save the host server from unexpected overuse.

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