How to Host a Website on a Shared Web Hosting Account

How to Host a Website on a Shared Web Hosting Account

In this tutorial, we will show you how to host a website on a shared hosting account. Hosting a website on our shared hosting plans is a very easy task, and if you carefully follow all the instructions provided below, you should have your website up and running in less than 10 minutes. This tutorial has been written for and tested on Linux servers with DirectAdmin and cPanel.

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VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting

vps hosting vs shared hosting

A VPS or a virtual private server provides a complete resource isolation, meaning the hardware resources like CPU, hard disk space and memory assigned to a specific virtual server are dedicated and fully available to it at all times. In a shared hosting environment all accounts on the physical server share the resources of the host server and many resources are capped and limited in order to save the host server from unexpected overuse.

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