How to install Known on CentOS 7

logo_betaKnown is quite new and promising open-source publishing and collaboration platform that allows individuals or groups to share their stories to a wide range of social media services. In today’s article we will guide you through the process of installing Known on a Centos 7 VPS with Apache, PHP and MariaDB server.

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How to install PmWiki on CentOS 6 VPS

pmwiki-logoPmWiki is a free PHP based wiki system for collaborative creation and maintenance of websites. Its pages look and act like normal web pages, except they have an “Edit” link that makes it easy to modify existing pages and add new pages into the website without knowing any HTML or CSS, just by using basic editing rules. Pages can be edited publicly or by small groups of authors.

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Install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS

Install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS

In this blog article we will show you how to install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on a CentOS VPS. Nessus is powerful, free and easy to use proprietary security scanner. Its plug-in architecture makes Nessus to be very customizable and allows users to customize it according to their needs. Nessus database is frequently updated and it makes is very efficient. According many surveys Nessus is the most popular vulnerability scanner in the world. Installing Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial bellow.

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