How to Install and Configure LibreNMS on Ubuntu 20.04

how to install and configure librenms on ubuntu 20.04

LibreNMS is a free and open-source network monitoring system built in PHP and MySQL which uses the SNMP protocol. It is a community-based fork of the Observium network monitoring tool. This tool is also a user-friendly monitoring system, it is easy to understand and use. It uses MySQL as its database backend and uses SNMP to discover remote clients.

It supports a wide range of network hardware and operating systems including, FreeBSD, Cisco, Linux, HP, etc. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure LibreNMS on Ubuntu 20.04.

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How to Use the Du Command in Linux

how to use the du command in Linux

In this tutorial, we are going to explain the “du” command used on every Linux distribution such as Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS.

“Du” stands for Disk Usage and every Linux user should use it very often to check the amount of disk space used by directory or file. Using the “du” command is very simple by typing it on the console and adding additional phrases called options. In other words, the “du” command is different every time, according to the needs of the user and what the user wants to be displayed as output.

In this blog post, the “du” command will be explained with real examples. Let’s get started!

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How to Install and Switch Node.js Versions with NVM

how to install and switch node.js versions with nvm

Node.js is a free and open-source JavaScript runtime environment designed for non-blocking, event-driven servers and a popular choice for building scalable network applications, web applications, development of APIs, and so on. NVM is a Node Version Manager which provides an easy installation and easy switching between versions while retaining globally installed packages.

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How to install Python 3.10 on Debian 11

how to install python 3.10 on debian 11

Python is one of the most widely used open-source, multipurpose, and object-oriented programming languages. It is gaining popularity due to its simplicity and easy-to-use syntax. It is a high-level language and is generally used in web development, gaming development, data analytics and visualization, AI, and machine learning.

At the time of writing this tutorial, Python 3.10 is the latest stable version and was released on October 04, 2021. Python 3.10 comes with some cool features including, Structural Pattern Matching, Improved Error Reporting, Security Updates, Pattern Matching, and more.

In this post, we will show you how to install Python 3.10 on Debian 11.

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How to Install phpBB on Ubuntu 20.04

how to install phpbb on ubuntu 20.04

phpBB, also known as a “PHP Bulletin Board” is a free flat-forum bulletin board software that provides a space for people to gather and communicate with each other. It is written in PHP and supports many database engines including, MySQL, Oracle Database, SQLite, PostgreSQL, etc. It comes with hundreds of style and image packages that help you to customize your board.

In this post, we will show you how to install phpBB on Ubuntu 20.04.

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