How to Choose the Best Linux VPS Hosting for Your Website

how to choose the best linux vps hosting

If you were to search for the “best Linux VPS,” you would most likely just get even more confused with all the industry jargon and tech-speak. What’s more, over half of all VPS servers run on a Linux system.

The biggest advantage of using a Linux system is that it is free and open-source. This means that hosting companies generally offer more affordable VPS packages with greater flexibility. Another major benefit is the significant security improvement. This already makes Linux VPS an attractive option for you.

So, how do you go about choosing the best Linux VPS hosting for your website?

Looking for full root access hosting is a good start. This means that the hosting company is willing to give you complete access to your own server and its resources.

A 99% or better still, a 100% up-time guarantee is another. No server can ever be up 100% of the time. Just like your mobile phone and your car will shut down from time to time so too can a server malfunction. A good hosting provider will have redundant systems in place to mitigate this, and if for whatever reason they cannot, they should at least offer a money-back guarantee for that period.

Did you know? - 96.3% of the top one million web servers run Linux.

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How to Rewrite URLs with mod_rewrite for Apache on Ubuntu 20.04

rewrite urls with mod_rewrite for apache on ubuntu 20.04

The mod_rewrite is an Apache module that uses a rule-based rewriting engine. It is used for translating and redirecting the requested URL to a new URL. It allows a URL to be changed dynamically. So the visitor never sees the URL change in the address bar. With mod_rewrite, you can rewrite an unlimited number of rules. This will allow you to rewrite the URL based on environment variables, HTTP headers, and server variables.

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How to monitor your server’s resource usage with Munin on CentOS 6

how-to-monitor-your-servers-resource-usage-with-munin-on-centos-6In the following article we will show you how to install Munin on a CentOS 6 VPS so you can monitor your virtual servers resource usage.

Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource usage of servers and services. It  has a master/slave architecture in which the master connects to all the slaves at regular intervals and asks them for data.

It is written in perl and is very fast and robust monitoring tool.

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VPS Hosting vs Shared Hosting

vps hosting vs shared hosting

A VPS or a virtual private server provides a complete resource isolation, meaning the hardware resources like CPU, hard disk space and memory assigned to a specific virtual server are dedicated and fully available to it at all times. In a shared hosting environment all accounts on the physical server share the resources of the host server and many resources are capped and limited in order to save the host server from unexpected overuse.

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