How to backup and restore MySQL database

How to backup and restore MySQL database

We’ll show you, How to backup and restore MySQL database. If you are a computer user then you probably know how bad is to accidentally lose some of your important data. To avoid such situations you should create a backup of your data and store the backup file in a safe place. By doing this you can easily restore the lost data and you can get back on track very quickly. Today, we will show you how to create a backup of your MySQL database and restore it later on your Linux VPS. The procedure is very easy and could be very helpful especially if you store all your website data into a single database.

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Install Ajenti Control Panel on a CentOS Server

ajentiAre you looking for a great alternative to Webmin, Kloxo and VestaCP? Well, search no more because Ajenti is an excellent, lightweight and powerful web-based server administration panel. It is a very intuitive, multilingual free control panel that manages almost every aspect of your server.

Ajenti provides a fast and responsive web interface for managing your server, whether you have a Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a Dedicated server. It is built with many pre-made plugins for configuring and monitoring server software and services. To mention few: Apache, Cron, File System, Firewall, MySQL, FTP and many other tools like File Manager, Code Editor for developers and Terminal access.
You will barely need to login to a command line interface either using Putty or Terminal if you have this control panel installed on your server.

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How to install Nginx, PHP5-fpm, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, Postfix on a Ubuntu server using Easy Engine shell script

easyengineIn this tutorial we will show you how to install Nginx, PHP5 (fpm) with Zend OPCache, MySQL, PHPMyadmin, Postfix on an Ubuntu server in less than 20 minutes. We will use Easy Engine for this purpose.

You are probably wondering what is Easy Engine? It is a Linux shell-script to install, manage and host WordPress-Nginx websites on an Ubuntu/Debian server. It works only on a operating system based on Debian because unfortunately there is no support for RPM based systems like CentOS. This script will install Nginx, PHP5-fpm, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command, thus making it easy for every user that has little experience in working with a Linux VPS.

Nginx is an open source reverse proxy server and can be deployed to serve dynamic HTTP content on the network using FastCGI, SCGI handlers for scripts, WSGI application servers or Phusion Passenger module, and it can serve as a software load balancer. It is a better free alternative to Apache because it is lightweight and RAM-friendly. It also performs better and faster than Apache, particularly when the number of concurrent site visitors is on the rise.

To sum up, Easy Enginge (ee) is built to simplify the process of installing, configuring and managing Nginx (or full LEMP stack to be correct) to host websites on a Ubuntu server. It’s most notable features are:

- Automatically tweaks server configuration as per available hardware resources;
- Supports automatic updates;
- It will install w3-total-cache, wp-super-cache, NGINX’s fastcgi-cache, Zend Opcache, and Memcache;
- Install Nginx, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin and all its dependencies in a single command.

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How to install MyWebSQL on a CentOS VPS

MyWebSQL LogoMyWebSQL is a free and open source web based client for managing databases on your Linux VPS, and is written in PHP. It has a simple and intuitive interface with the look and feel of a desktop application. This PHP based application offers rich features for database management. With it’s fast and attractive web interface it is a very good alternative to the popular phpMyAdmin.

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How to install eGroupware on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS

how-to-install-egroupware-on-an-ubuntu-14-04-vpsIn the following article we are going to cover the installation steps for eGroupware on an Ubuntu 14.04 Virtual Server.

What is eGroupware?

It is free and open source groupware software intended for businesses from small to enterprises. Its primary functions allow users to manage contacts, appointments, projects and to-do lists.


eGroupware runs on an Ubuntu base system, requires a webserver, a database server, a mail server etc.


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How to install MySQLDumper on a CentOS VPS

mysqldumperMySQL is one of the most popular open-source database management system in the world. When it comes to the security of your MySQL, backing up the databases it’s a must. You always need to have a solid backup of your MySQL databases.  MySQLDumper is a free and open-source web based tool for creating a backup of MySQL databases. With MySQLDumper you can automate the process of backing up the databases and configure it to send you an email report about whether the backup succeeds. MySQLDumper is based on PHP and Perl and it is very easy to use.

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How to install Chive on a Debian Wheezy VPS

logo-bigChive is another web based tool for managing MySQL databases just like the popular phpMyAdmin. It is free and open source tool written in PHP. Chive is used by thousands of customers because its administration is very easy and the user-interface is fast and simple. If you are looking for a replacement for phpMyAdmin, you should definitely install Chive on your Debian VPS.

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