9 Best Blogging Niches That Have Earning Power

best blogging niches

Bloggers post more than 6+ million blog posts each day. But do bloggers make money?

Even if you’re unsure how much money they make, it still sounds impossible to conquer the fear of competing, right?

For your curiosity, only 33% of bloggers don’t earn money, and those are people who are not driven by the desire to succeed. Truth be told, it’s hard to stand out.

But don’t worry; we’ll show you how to pick the most profitable blogging niche and develop the right strategy to stand out from the crowd.

After you explore the best blogging niches in this article, you’ll be ready to earn money running a blog.

Let’s get started!

What Is a Blog?

The term web log derives from two words — web and log. During the early days of blogging, blogs were used to describe websites that published a chronological archive of dated entries, almost like a digital diary. Initially coined as “web logs”, the term “weblog” was coined by Jorn Barger in 1997 and involved in “blog” two years later.

The blog describes a regularly updated website with dated posts. Besides text, blogs can also include photos, videos, audio and graphics. Bloggers use a standard format for each entry.

Simply put, a blog can be used for personal or business use. In both cases, it helps you develop an online presence. Many companies and individuals use a blog as a sales, marketing, promotional, or advertising tool. Some prefer to blog in their spare time for extra cash, while others have a full-time career path in mind.

If you’re wondering if there are different ways of blogging, keep reading.

Are There Different Ways of Blogging?


Whether you strive to become a full-time professional blogger or simply a blogger with a passion for sharing knowledge, there are different ways of blogging you need to consider. If you have just stepped into the blogosphere, be aware that learning how to write a blog is not easy. You must be persistent and keep track of the latest blogging and SEO trends.

Before diving into blogging, you must know that beyond traditional blogs, there are also:

  • vlogs
  • microblogs

A vlog is a combination of a blog and a video. More precisely, it is a collection of videos documenting a vlogger’s life and experiences. Vloggers usually record and edit vlogs.

microblog refers to short but punchy posts on social media platforms, usually containing visually appealing content. Those posts are generally under 300 words. Social media platforms, such as Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr, are great places for bloggers to produce value-driven microblogs.


Instead of writing lots of text for a traditional blog or recording videos for a vlog, microbloggers update their microblog feed and provide valuable information. Moreover, a recent survey indicates that 75% of people would rather read posts under 1000 words instead of 2000-word + posts.

LinkedIn is a professional networking site and a perfect place for sharing educative content. Here is a great example of a microblog post:

Jake Ward is an SEO expert who is doing a great job posting tips and tricks on content marketing. This post shows proven post ideas in nine simple carousel slides, so readers can quickly acquire knowledge.

Now that you have a clearer picture of different approaches to blogging, you’ll also want to determine what type of blog you’ll need along the way.

Let’s first see what a blog niche is, and then we’ll explore the most profitable blogging niches!

What Is a Blog Niche?

A blog niche refers to a specific topic or area of expertise you’ll write about online. Before you begin successful blogging, you must clearly understand your target audience, select the most popular blog ideas and have a growth plan.

First, you need to consider the topic that people will be interested in. Remember that there are no limits regarding the blog topics. A blog can be about anything—it’s a great place to convey your ideas.

But not all blogs provide valuable information.

Some blogs are created for entertainment—to make people laugh. On the other hand, individuals and companies from a wide range of industries use blogs to build brand awareness or to distribute company. Also, blogs can compare a specific product or service and enhance a company’s overall customer service.

How to Pick a Blog Niche That Makes Money?

money niche

So, what can you blog about? Almost anything. The list of blog topics is vast, and selecting the right niche is essential to start blogging right from the start.

There are many factors to consider when choosing a profitable blog niche. For instance, you should consider the interest of the audience and your knowledge of the subject. It’s also essential to look at your competition and develop a blogging strategy to deliver engaging content.

For example, if you choose fashion and beauty or business and finance niche, you’ll quickly realize you have significant competition. Therefore, it’s essential to do extensive research before launching your blog and develop a strategy to help you stand out from the crowd.

Considering the thousands of different industries, you’ll likely find at least one that appeals to you. As blogging increases in popularity, remember to be careful when choosing a profitable blog niche.

The Most Profitable Blog Niches for Success

Many bloggers can generate a nice income by selling customized shirts and merchandise based on their blog’s name, theme or subject matter. But there are more exciting blog niches for people to develop a sincere interest in them.

Remember: Without constant audience growth, you can’t generate revenue from your blog or achieve its other objectives.

Let’s check the most profitable blog niches for success.

1. Personal Finance Blog (If You Like to Save First and Spend Later)

Personal finance blogs can help you develop money-saving skills. Furthermore, the global fintech market plays a game-changing role in traditional investment. You need to create the right strategy for your blog and help your audience to:

  • Manage money more efficiently
  • Achieve financial freedom
  • Pursue financial goals
  • Improve daily money management

How to Start a Personal Finance Blog?

To start your personal finance blog, you first need to choose your catchy blog name and a reliable web hosting service. You’ll also need to select a theme that will allow you to customize the look of your blog by choosing fonts, colors and text. The overall layout of the design must grab readers’ attention straightaway.

Here are the links to some of the best-recommended finance blogs you can check before starting your own:

2. Lifestyle Blog (If You Like Sharing Your Experiences)

Running a lifestyle blog entails many topics, including life experiences, interests, everyday routines, and opinions on a specific subject.

Because of this, lifestyle blogs are created on a more personal level than other types of blogs. The goal of lifestyle bloggers is to share their real-life experiences and personal opinions to inspire others.

Here are some crucial goals of having a lifestyle blog:

  • Help people who have the same passions to expand their knowledge
  • Share your interests and inspire others
  • Encourage people to change their daily routines
  • Make people feel better after establishing healthy habits

How to Start a Lifestyle Blog?

With lifestyle blogging, you don’t have to stick to just one topic. You can create content about subjects relevant to your life, like parenting, relationships, cooking, fitness, hobbies, beauty, etc. For example, frugal living is a hot topic you should take advantage of.

So, it would be best if you defined your topic first. You must show your core values to position yourself firmly in the lifestyle niche that is often highly personalized.

Next, you want a hosting service, a blog name, and a designer to help you create a visually appealing blog.

Listed below are some inspirational lifestyle blogs:

3. Nutrition Blog (If You Like a Healthy Lifestyle)

Good nutrition is crucial to giving our body the energy to function. Nutrition blogs help people reach their health goals. Each day brings new scientific discoveries related to our health, which is fantastic for finding inspirational topics. Launching a nutrition blog can help people live better by changing their habits and routine.

Sounds great, right?

Here are more ways how nutrition blog can help your audience to:

  • Unlearn the lies that diet culture has sold
  • Prepare nourishing food quickly
  • Eat with confidence
  • Re-balance mindset around food
  • Turn healthy eating into a fun act
  • Learn more about healing foods

How to Start a Nutrition Blog?

To start a nutrition blog, you must first clarify the goal. Since healthy living is a priority and covers many topics, you must determine whether you’ll focus on well-being trends and the latest news, nutrition topics, weight-loss tips, or healing food.

Next, you want a reliable web hosting service. For example, hosting a WordPress blog is an excellent way to start your blogging journey! It would help if you also came up with a catchy name related to your niche.

Here are some of the best nutrition blogs that can help you find inspirational ideas:

4. Fitness Blog (If You Have Motivational Skills)

This type of blog is an essential factor in health promotion. Since physical inactivity is linked to cardiovascular disease and feelings of anxiety and depression, you have a great chance to share awareness about this by launching your fitness blog.

You can help people to:

  • Stay motivated in their health journey
  • Help them become fitness professionals
  • Help them to get in shape and feel confident
  • Encourage them to establish a lifestyle that will lower risks of diseases

How to Start a Fitness Blog?

As with any blogging niche, you must first determine your goal. Once you’ve clearly defined your purpose, you must pick a reliable blog name. Also, don’t forget that choosing a hosting provider is one of the most important steps.

Next, you want to develop a blogging strategy that will stand out!

5. Education Blog (If You Like Sharing Knowledge)

Education blogs are fantastic for developing analytical thinking. This type of blogging can increase learning to a higher level and help people strengthen their critical thinking skills. Educators usually express their personal views through education blogs.

Launching an education blog will strengthen your industry authority and open professional networking opportunities.

Here is how you can help your audience:

  • Stay on top of the current issues in the field
  • Engage them to collaborate with researchers and experts
  • Give them the opportunity to join various groups focused on specific topics

How to Start an Education Blog?

First off, narrow down your focus and select a niche that you find more appropriate. Secondly, choose a memorable domain name and a managed web hosting service. Next, you want to make sure you have the right content strategy. Rather than mixing everything, categorize each post on your blog to help readers find what they came for.

6. Travel Blog (If You Have an Adventurous Spirit)

Travel blogs are the most adventurous type of blogging. You can write about exotic destinations and family destinations, or you can share pieces of advice on affordable traveling.

By launching a travel blog, you can help people to:

  • Manage money better while traveling
  • Make them fall in love with a nomadic lifestyle
  • Help them follow their dream and live an adventurous life
  • Help them awaken their curiosity and monetize their passion

How to Start a Travel Blog?

First, you must define your niche and create a memorable blog name. Next, consider how you can attract your target audience and choose a hosting service and a desirable travel blog theme.

It’s also helpful to start searching for travel-related businesses that want to be featured on your blog.

So, ever wondered what the most popular travel blog is? In the list below, you’ll find several travel blogs worth exploring before you start your own.

7. Marketing Blog (If You Are a Marketing Expert)

Marketing is a very complex field. You must be a marketing expert to run a successful blog and help people grow their businesses. Nowadays, digital marketing tactics are growing at an accelerating pace.

Marketing blogs are, therefore, great places to power up the marketing game. Here is how:

  • Turn ad clicks into conversions
  • Maximize response advertising impact
  • Boost various aspects of marketing
  • Learn how to tell a story

How to Start a Marketing Blog?

First things first, define your marketing expertise. Which marketing field do you think suits you best? Content marketing, email marketing, e-commerce, social media, video marketing or affiliate marketing?

Also, clarify how much time you want to devote to blogging. Many highly successful marketers don’t even start a blog since they know how much time and effort is required. Don’t be afraid, though. Everything is feasible if you stay persistent.

Then, choose a fully managed hosting service, so you can focus on running your blog. You also need to hire a designer or a design agency to help create a visually appealing blog.

Take note of your competitors’ tactics, so you can start implementing your own. Take advantage of competitors’ research, but be unique.

If you’ve ever wondered how does a good blog look like – here are some of the most popular marketing blogs:

8. Tech Review & Comparison Blog

In today’s world, keeping track of tech news is crucial since technology is an undeniable part of our lives. Therefore, review and comparison websites are important because people can make purchase decisions better. They can clearly understand what products to buy and save money.

Whether it’s the best phone, hosting provider, virtual private networks or audio technology, review sites give an extensive overview by comparing top products and help people gain better insight into the products or services they want.

So, if you like poring over the latest features of tech products, then this blog niche is a perfect fit for you!

You can help people to:

  • Keep up with the latest technology trends in one place
  • Better control their purchase decisions
  • Get better insight into the business technology

How to Start a Tech Blog?

Since technology is a vast field, you must define the focus of your blog that have consistent search results. You can focus on tech news, product reviews and comparisons, the future of technology, or how-to posts to help people better use products.

Next, choose a good hosting service that will help you speed up your blog and manage servers so you don’t have to worry. You must also pick a domain name and create a strategy for promoting your blog.

Here are some tech blogs worth following:

9. Business Coaching Blog (If You Like Offering Unique Insights Into a Business)

Business coaching platforms give business, executive, and even life coaching advice. Usually, the primary goal is to help entrepreneurs to scale their businesses and generate strong profits. Also, business coaching blogs teach people to find the best ways to establish their brand.

You can help business people to:

  • Achieve career goals
  • Improve customer service
  • Overcome business obstacles
  • Complete day-to-day business tasks
  • Increase their traffic to achieve better financial results

How to Start a Business Coaching Blog?

To dive into the business coaching career, you must first have the passion and dedication to coaching. You must also get certified. Many people have the most trust in a certified coach.

Once you’ve done that step, start brainstorming about your niche. And before you choose your right niche, take inspiration from other business coaches. This will take you through developing your domain name to make you stand out.

Next, develop your blog into an identifiable brand. If you are starting a business blog from scratch, consider having an exclusive logo designed for it. You must begin developing an entire brand and visual identity around the blog.

It’s also essential to choose a reliable hosting service! A fully managed hosting service will easily set up a blog with WordPress, so you don’t have to worry. Finally, you can start brainstorming on topics for blog posts.

Bonus Tip: Proven Ways to Promote Your Blog

Once you’ve gone through some of the best blogging ideas and decided which one is best for you, it’s time to develop a promotional strategy.

Regardless of how you decide to promote your online presence in order to generate traffic to it, your efforts will need to be done on an ongoing basis.

One of the easiest ways to increase traffic to your site and build a wider audience is to encourage your existing customers to tell their friends about your blog. You can ask them to do this with great heartedness or offer them an incentive, like a bonus card or one month free (all depending on your services).

Building a blog from the ground up takes time and maybe frustratingly slow – but creating the right content from the start and promoting it is necessary. Once your blog is live, you must promote it in different ways and here is how:

1. Become a Guest Blogger on Other Blogs

guest blogging

Promote your blog by offering to be a guest blogger for some well-established blogs in the same or similar niche. You will receive a credit for your work and a link to your site.

So, website owners will often allow you to include a backlink to your website in return for your value-driven content. This is an excellent way to strengthen your domain authority and promote your blog too.

2. Use Public Relations

public relations

Another way to promote your blog, boost credibility and increase visibility is to use public relations. Public relations professionals are storytellers, and their writing style is less sales-y.

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Promoting your blog will take time and effort, plus some financial investment, so be careful when it comes to money management.

3. Take Advantage of Social Media

social media

People rely on your reputation on social media platforms. If you want your blog to be recognized, invest effort in creating an impressive reach on social media channels.

From a blogging perspective, building up trust via social media will help you convert your users into loyal customers.

Bottom Line

Blogging can be a rewarding, enjoyable, and fulfilling career. Even though it takes diligent preparation and ongoing work, your blogging plan should excite you.

With intelligent planning, you can build a successful blog and help others get informed or reach their dreams and goals.

Some of the best niches for blogging that make money are waiting for you; select one carefully and start earning online! And don’t forget that one of the most cost-effective ways to build an audience is to generate positive word-of-mouth about your blog.

Good luck!

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