How to Install Pip on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install Pip on Ubuntu 16.04

installing pip on UbuntuWe’ll show you how to install Pip on Ubuntu 16.04. Pip is a python package management system used to install and manage software packages which are found in the Python Package Index (PyPI). These software packages are written in Python and are typically used to extend or enhance a Python application. Pip is a widely-used Python package manager, known for its user-friendliness and performance. Pip also has a feature to manage full lists of packages and corresponding version numbers, made possible through a “requirements” file. Installing Pip on Ubuntu 16.04 is an easy task – just carefully follow the steps in this tutorial, and you should have Pip installed on Ubuntu 16.04 in less than 10 minutes.

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Install Sugar CRM on a CentOS/Fedora/Scientitic Linux VPS

Sugar CRM is a web based customer relationship management (CRM) system written in PHP. It is available in three different editions: Community Edition (which is free), Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition. This blog post covers the installation of the free Community Edition of Sugar CRM on a CentOS/Fedora/Scientitic Linux VPS which is pretty easy and fast.

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Run Joomla with Nginx on a Centos VPS

run-joomla-on-nginx-on-centos-vpsToday we will show you how to install Joomla, one of the most popular open source Content Management Systems on your LNMP stack (Nginx, MySQL and PHP-FPM) Centos VPS.
Follow this article carefully and in no more than 10 minutes you will have a common Joomla CMS installed on your LNMP stack Centos VPS, and in the next article we will optimize the very same installation performance-wise, as an addition to several security tips that will provide safer hosting for you and your business.

Let’s get to work.

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How to install WordPress Multisite on Centos VPS with Apache


Today we will guide you through the installation process of WordPress Multisite on your Centos VPS. The WordPress Multisite option became available with WordPress 3.0. This feature allows you – the website administrator – to create multiple websites without the need of installing separate WordPress instances, creating separate home directories or separate databases. Or, you can allow other users to create their own websites on your WordPress installation.

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How to install Monit on your CentOS6 VPS

how-to-install-monit-on-your-centos6-vpsToday we’ll show you how to install Monit on your Centos VPS. Monit is a monitoring and managing as well as an automatic maintenance tool. The monitoring can be directly on the command line or on the web. You can assign Monit multiple tasks (not only monitoring), so if a certain service fails the check, Monit can alert or do something about it (try to restart the service for example).

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How to Reset MariaDB Root Password

How to Reset MariaDB Root Password

We’ll show you, how to reset MariaDB root password.  Did you forget your MariaDB root password? Do not worry, there is an easy way to reset your password on MariaDB in less than 5 minutes. Please note that you need to have root access to your server to be able to change the password of MariaDB. Resetting your MariaDB root password on your Linux server is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial below.

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How to set up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) stack on Debian Wheezy

how-to-set-up-lamp-linux-apache-mariadb-php-stack-on-debian-wheezyLAMP usually refers to a full featured stack containing the Apache web server, the popular database server MySQL and the well known web programming language – PHP, set up on a Linux Operating System.

But, as of lately we’ve seen a lot of open-source communities and some of the largest internet giants as Google switched to the use of MySQL’s open source drop-in replacement – the MariaDB database server, which is what are we going to install today instead of MySQL.

In the following step-by-step set up manual we will explain how to install a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) stack on your Debian Wheezy VPS. Let’s begin:

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