Install Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware on a CentOS/Fedora VPS

Tiki_Wiki_CMS_Groupware_LogoIn this article we will show you how to easily install another great CMS – TikiWiki on a CentOS VPS or Fedora VPS. Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware or simply TikiWiki is very powerful, full-featured Wiki, content management system and online office suite. It is free and open source application written in PHP, actively developed by a very large community. TikiWiki can be used to create websites, wikis, Web applications, knowledge base, portals, image galleries and so on.

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How to Install Bugzilla on CentOS 6

bugzilla_on_centos_6_4_vpsBugzilla is the most favorite bug-tracking system, designed to help the software developers’ groups keep track of their software development.

It is a free and a feature-rich application that finds itself at service of a large number of teams and organizations, helping them organize and synchronize their development work.

This article will guide you through the installation process of Bugzilla on a CentOS VPS.

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How to install Piwik on a CentOS VPS

This article covers the installation of Piwik on a CentOS VPS. The installation is quite easy and fast, and can be done by anyone.

Piwik is a free web analytics software used by more than 300,000 websites worldwide. Piwik provides detailed real time reports on your website’s visitors, your visitors’ geo location, your marketing campaigns, and much more…

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How to set-up TT-RSS (tiny-tiny RSS) on CentOS 6

how-to-install-and-configure-tt-rss-tyny-tyny-rss-on-centos-6 The following article aims to teach you how you can install and configure TT-RSS (tiny-tiny RSS) on CentOS 6.

We are using one of our blazing fast CentOS 6 VPS, but the procedure applies to any other CentOS 6 based machine.

What is Tiny Tiny RSS?

It is an open source, web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.

Features of Tiny Tiny RSS:

  • Server-side AJAX-powered application, user only needs a web browser
  • Free software, licensed under GNU GPL
  • Supports feed aggregation / syndication,
  • Supports keyboard shortcuts
  • Supports OPML import/export
  • Supports sharing arbitrary content through tt-rss
  • Supports mobile device

and many more….

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How to install MediaWiki on CentOS/Fedora

In this article we will explain to you how to install MediaWiki on your Centos or Fedora VPS. MediaWiki is free, web-based wiki platform written in PHP, with very powerful capabilities. It is one of the most popular application of this type in the world.

The installation of MediaWiki is very easy and it can be done in less than 10 minutes. Please note that you should have web server (Apache), PHP and database server (MySQL) installed on your linux vps to be able to run MediaWiki.

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How to install Drupal on CentOS/Fedora

drupalDrupal is another PHP based, open-source content management system that is used for managing, publishing and organizing your website, regardless of whether it is your personal blog or your corporate website. Drupal can be easily installed on your CentOS or Fedora VPS in less than 5 minutes. All you need to do is to create a MySQL user and database for your Drupal installation, download the latest version of Drupal and create a configuration file. That’s it.

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