Install ClamAV on a CentOS 6 VPS with DirectAdmin

ClamIn today’s article on our blog we are going to install ClamAV on a CentOS 6 VPS with DirectAdmin control panel. We are offering DirectAdmin for free with all our VPS hosting plans.

Clam AntiVirus or ClamAV is very popular and widely used, free and open source antivirus application for Unix like systems. It is designed for detecting over 750.000 viruses, trojans, worms, mobile malware and other malicious software on your server. ClamAV is especially used on email servers as server-side email scanner.

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Run Joomla with Nginx on a Centos VPS

run-joomla-on-nginx-on-centos-vpsToday we will show you how to install Joomla, one of the most popular open source Content Management Systems on your LNMP stack (Nginx, MySQL and PHP-FPM) Centos VPS.
Follow this article carefully and in no more than 10 minutes you will have a common Joomla CMS installed on your LNMP stack Centos VPS, and in the next article we will optimize the very same installation performance-wise, as an addition to several security tips that will provide safer hosting for you and your business.

Let’s get to work.

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How to install and integrate SpamAssassin with Postfix on a CentOS 6 VPS

spamassassinThe following article is part 4 of our mailserver set-up with virtual users and domains using Postfix and Dovecot on a CentOS 6 VPS, followed by part 2 which explains how to install and set-up the Roundcube webmail interface on a linux vps server and then part 3 which is all about how to set-up an SSL encrypted connection in Postfix, Dovecot and Apache using SSL certificates.

In this tutorial we are going to set-up SpamAssassin on one of our CentOS 6 linux virtual servers and integrate it into our Postfix mailserver set-up so it can scan and mark the emails detected as SPAM.

What is SpamAssassin?

It is a program released under the Apache License 2.0 used for e-mail spam filtering based on content-matching rules.

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How to install WordPress Multisite on Centos VPS with Apache


Today we will guide you through the installation process of WordPress Multisite on your Centos VPS. The WordPress Multisite option became available with WordPress 3.0. This feature allows you – the website administrator – to create multiple websites without the need of installing separate WordPress instances, creating separate home directories or separate databases. Or, you can allow other users to create their own websites on your WordPress installation.

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How to install Monit on your CentOS6 VPS

how-to-install-monit-on-your-centos6-vpsToday we’ll show you how to install Monit on your Centos VPS. Monit is a monitoring and managing as well as an automatic maintenance tool. The monitoring can be directly on the command line or on the web. You can assign Monit multiple tasks (not only monitoring), so if a certain service fails the check, Monit can alert or do something about it (try to restart the service for example).

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Install Nagios3 on Ubuntu 13.10 VPS for monitoring virtual servers and services

install-nagios3-on-ubuntu-13-10-vps-for-monitoring-virtual-servers-and-servicesIn the following article we will guide you through the steps on how to install Nagios3 on a Ubuntu 13.10 VPS so you can monitor your virtual servers and services from your VPS.

Nagios3 is a robust and very powerful monitoring system which can help you monitor your virtual servers and the services running on your servers.

It is one of the best open-source monitoring systems out there.

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How to Install OpenCart on CentOS

How to Install OpenCart on CentOS

We’ll show you, How to install OpenCart on CentOS. If you want to create and run your own online business by creating an online store, then you should consider to use OpenCart eCommerce platform. OpenCart is powerful, user friendly and free online shopping cart platform based on PHP. The installation of OpenCart on CentOS, is pretty easy and straightforward. To use OpenCart, you should have PHP, Apache and MySQL on your CentOS VPS or Fedora VPS.

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