How to Install Docker Engine CE on RH Cloud

how to install docker engine ce on rh cloud

In this tutorial, we will explain step-by-step how to install Docker Engine CE on the RoseHosting Cloud platform.

installing and setting up docker engine ce on rh cloud

Docker stands for an open-source application used to serve for testing, shipping, developing, and running applications. It provides running the applications in isolated environments known as containers. The containers with their isolation have everything inside to run properly and not mess with the host’s configuration. Deploying the code is easy since the code is pushed to the production environment from the development container, and there is no delay.

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How to Rewrite URLs with mod_rewrite for Apache on Ubuntu 20.04

rewrite urls with mod_rewrite for apache on ubuntu 20.04

The mod_rewrite is an Apache module that uses a rule-based rewriting engine. It is used for translating and redirecting the requested URL to a new URL. It allows a URL to be changed dynamically. So the visitor never sees the URL change in the address bar. With mod_rewrite, you can rewrite an unlimited number of rules. This will allow you to rewrite the URL based on environment variables, HTTP headers, and server variables.

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How to install Odoo 11 on CentOS 7 with Nginx as a Reverse Proxy

guide to installing odoo 11 on centos 7 with nginx as a reverse proxy
installing odoo 11 on centos 7 with nginx as a reverse proxy

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps of installing Odoo 11 on CentOS 7. We will also install Nginx and configure it as a reverse proxy. Odoo (formerly OpenERP) is a simple and intuitive suite of open-source enterprise management applications such as Website Builder, eCommerce, CRM, Accounting, Manufacturing, Project and Warehouse Management, Human Resources, Marketing, and many more.

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Install Laravel on Ubuntu 20.04

install laravel on ubuntu 20.04
how to install laravel on ubuntu 20.04

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that can be used to develop web applications easier and faster through built-in features. It is based on the Symfony framework and following the model–view–controller architectural pattern. Today you will learn how to install Laravel on Ubuntu 20.04

Installing Laravel on Ubuntu 20.04 is an easy task, and it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes to install.

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What is High Availability Hosting?

what is high availability hosting

When a server acts as the host for a website or an application, it is the backbone of this website or application’s functionality. The server provides resources with which the application can run on, as well as an internet connection that can allow for input from outside sources to occur, as well as output to other servers/systems. Therefore, it is vital that the server hosting your website/application is in working order and has its resources and capabilities available to be utilized at all times.

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How to Install and Configure a Simple DNS (BIND) Server on Debian 9

How to Install and Configure a Simple DNS (BIND) Server on Debian 9

In the following tutorial, we’re going to go through the process of installing and configuring a simple DNS (BIND) server on your Debian 9 VPS. This will allow you to host/manage the DNS records for your domain/s.

Before we proceed with the setup process, let’s first talk about what the Domain Name System (DNS) is, as well as what a DNS server is.Installing and Configuring a Simple DNS BIND Server in Debian 9

The Domain Name System (DNS) is technology that resolves the domain names/hostnames to IP addresses so that we can easily access the services using domain names instead of using IP addresses. For example, if you wanted to visit a website through its IP address, you’d have to enter a specific IP in the web browser’s address bar. But with the DNS, you can simply type “” to get there much more quickly. It’s easier to remember, and it’s more user-friendly. That’s why people consider the DNS as “the phonebook of the Internet”. Nobody wants to remember an IP, but everyone can and does remember a domain name. A Domain Name System uses DNS servers for its functionality, so a DNS server is any authoritative DNS host registered to join the Domain Name System (DNS).

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