Glassfish and Payara Auto-clustering: Running Java EE Highly-available Applications In The Cloud

Building a highly-available clustered infrastructure is one of the most commonly used solutions to achieve 100% uptime for your application. In a clustered environment, there is a number of interconnected instances running the same stack and operating the same data. So cluster is able to handle more load than a single server. It will also add more servers automatically to the cluster as per application demand.

In this guide, we will show you how to deploy Java EE applications using Glassfish and Payara auto-clustering on the RoseHosting Cloud platform.

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What is High Availability Hosting?

what is high availability hosting

When a server acts as the host for a website or an application, it is the backbone of this website or application’s functionality. The server provides resources with which the application can run on, as well as an internet connection that can allow for input from outside sources to occur, as well as output to other servers/systems. Therefore, it is vital that the server hosting your website/application is in working order and has its resources and capabilities available to be utilized at all times.

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Enterprise WordPress Hosting: Automatic Scaling and High Availability

enterprise wordpress hosting: automatic scaling and high availability

High availability and performance are the key aspects when choosing the web hosting provider. If you have a heavy website, there are a lot of processing like importing, exporting, calculations, etc. As a result, chances to max out the CPU and disk are the mortal enemy of real-time transactions. Your website visitors also demand a fast loading time, and if you are unable to resolve this issue, this leads to loss of interest from your visitors, loss of sales and loss of SEO rank.

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