How to Choose the Best Linux VPS Hosting for Your Website

how to choose the best linux vps hosting

If you were to search for the “best Linux VPS,” you would most likely just get even more confused with all the industry jargon and tech-speak. What’s more, over half of all VPS servers run on a Linux system.

The biggest advantage of using a Linux system is that it is free and open-source. This means that hosting companies generally offer more affordable VPS packages with greater flexibility. Another major benefit is the significant security improvement. This already makes Linux VPS an attractive option for you.

So, how do you go about choosing the best Linux VPS hosting for your website?

Looking for full root access hosting is a good start. This means that the hosting company is willing to give you complete access to your own server and its resources.

A 99% or better still, a 100% up-time guarantee is another. No server can ever be up 100% of the time. Just like your mobile phone and your car will shut down from time to time so too can a server malfunction. A good hosting provider will have redundant systems in place to mitigate this, and if for whatever reason they cannot, they should at least offer a money-back guarantee for that period.

Did you know? - 96.3% of the top one million web servers run Linux.

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How to install ZPanel on a CentOS 6 VPS

zpanelcpIn this article we will cover the steps needed for installing ZPanel on a CentOS 6 VPS.

ZPanel is a free web hosting control panel which helps tremendously in administrating a server. This panel can turn a home or professional server into a fully fledged, easy to use and manage web hosting server.

Using a control panel to administer a server is recommended for everybody that has no experience with the Linux CLI. You can manage databases, domains, FTP accounts etc… with a few clicks from the ZPanel web interface.

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