Install Invoice Ninja on a Debian 7 VPS

install-invoice-ninja-on-debian-7-vpsIn this tutorial, we’ll see how to install Invoice Ninja on a Debian 7 (Wheezy) VPS with MariaDB, PHP-FPM, and Nginx. Invoice Ninja is a free, open-source solution for invoicing and billing customers and it’s based on Laravel 4.1 framework. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for Debian 7 VPS.

Looking to get some fully managed hosting for your InvoiceNinja account? We offer complete migration, installation, optimization, and customization – 100% free of charge! Check out our premium affordable VPS hosting packages and switch to a more secure, more efficient server with 24/7/265 amazing customer support today.

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Install LAMP (Linux Apache MariaDB and PHP) with phpMyAdmin on Fedora 20

lampIn today’s article we will cover the steps on how to install the LAMP (Linux Apache MariaDB and PHP) stack with phpMyAdmin on a Fedora 20 VPS.

LAMP represents a full featured stack containing the most popular web server known as Apache, the database server MariaDB and the most popular open-source web programming language known as PHP.

This tutorial shows how to setup LAMP on Fedora 20, but the procedure is the same for Fedora 21 OS.

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How to install xCache on CentOS 7

xcacheXCache is a free and open source PHP opcode cacher. Using xCache you can have better performance of your PHP scripts execution on your linux vps. It can achieve this by eliminating the compilation time of PHP code by caching the compiled version of the PHP code into the memory and later uses the compiled version of the code. This can significantly accelerate the page generation time by up to 5 times faster and also optimizes and increases many other aspects of php scripts and reduces the server load.

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How to install Suhosin on a Linux VPS

suhosinSuhosin is an advanced protection system for scripts and the PHP core itself. It is an open source PHP patch used for protecting the users and servers against numerous vulnerabilities and security flaws in the PHP basaed applications including WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc…

In this article we will guide you through the simple and fast process of installing Suhosin from source on a Linux VPS.

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How to install eGroupware on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS

how-to-install-egroupware-on-an-ubuntu-14-04-vpsIn the following article we are going to cover the installation steps for eGroupware on an Ubuntu 14.04 Virtual Server.

What is eGroupware?

It is free and open source groupware software intended for businesses from small to enterprises. Its primary functions allow users to manage contacts, appointments, projects and to-do lists.


eGroupware runs on an Ubuntu base system, requires a webserver, a database server, a mail server etc.


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How to install LAMP on CentOS 7

How to install LAMP on CentOS 7

We’ll show you how to install LAMP on CentOS 7. LAMP is actually an acronym for a web services solution stack consisting of Linux, the Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL or MariaDB database engines, and the PHP, Perl or Python programming language. All components are free and open-source software, and the combination is suitable for building dynamic web pages.


We are using our SSD 1 VPS hosting plan for this set-up, which should be more than enough to run LAMP and host multiple dynamic websites using virtual host directives.

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Install October CMS on Ubuntu, with Nginx and MariaDB

Install October CMS on an Ubuntu VPS with Nginx and MariaDB

In this post, we will cover how to install October CMS on Ubuntu, with Nginx and MariaDB. October is a free, open-source, self-hosted CMS platform, written in PHP and it’s built upon the Laravel framework. This should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for Ubuntu 14.04. Installing October CMS on Ubuntu, is fairly easy task, and it should not take more then 10 minutes.

We are proud to be an Official OctoberCMS Partner 

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