How to install Laravel 4 with Twitter Bootstrap on Linux VPS

laravelThe following article will guide you through the steps of installing and configuring Laravel 4 and Twitter Bootstrap on a Debian Wheezy Linux VPS.

What is Laravel?

Laravel is an elegant PHP web framework for web artisans with expressive and elegant syntax. Laravel 4 uses Composer for dependency management as the framework itself depends on a number of external packages to function correctly.

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Install Vanilla Forums on Debian Squeeze with Nginx

Vanilla is an open-source multi-lingual forum software written in PHP. It’s easy to install and use, with lot’s of addons and themes to choose from. If you are looking for a super fast and ridiculously easy to use forum software that can seamlessly integrate with your existing website on your Linux Virtual Server then Vanilla is just what you are looking for.

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How to install Laravel on Linux

How to install laravel on linux

We’ll show you how to install Laravel on Linux. Laravel is an open source web application framework written in PHP which follows the model-view-controller (MVC) paradigm. Laravel is a young framework, but it quickly gained popularity thanks to the extensive documentation, friendly community and clean and classy code. Installing Laravel on Linux is fairly easy task, just carefully follow the steps bellow and you should have Laravel installed on your Linux machine in less then 10 minutes.

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How to set-up TT-RSS (tiny-tiny RSS) on CentOS 6

how-to-install-and-configure-tt-rss-tyny-tyny-rss-on-centos-6 The following article aims to teach you how you can install and configure TT-RSS (tiny-tiny RSS) on CentOS 6.

We are using one of our blazing fast CentOS 6 VPS, but the procedure applies to any other CentOS 6 based machine.

What is Tiny Tiny RSS?

It is an open source, web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.

Features of Tiny Tiny RSS:

  • Server-side AJAX-powered application, user only needs a web browser
  • Free software, licensed under GNU GPL
  • Supports feed aggregation / syndication,
  • Supports keyboard shortcuts
  • Supports OPML import/export
  • Supports sharing arbitrary content through tt-rss
  • Supports mobile device

and many more….

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How to install and test FFMPEG/FFMPEG-PHP in Debian Squeeze

Today we will explain how you can install ‘ffmpeg’ and ‘ffmpeg-php’ on a Debian 6 (Squeeze) VPS. The installation instructions apply to any other Debian 6 based box too.

What is FFMPEG?

It is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video files. FFMPEG ships ‘libavcodec‘ which is one of the leading audio/video codec libraries.

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How to install LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) on CentOS 6 with phpMyAdmin and APC cache

Linux Apache MySQL and PHPIn today’s article we will cover the steps on how to install the LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL and PHP) stack on a CentOS 6 based VPS.

LAMP represents a full featured stack containing the most popular web server known as Apache, the most popular database server MySQL and the most popular open-source web programming language known as PHP.

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How to install and configure LEMP (Nginx, MySQL and PHP) server on a Debian 6 (squeeze) VPS

Nginx MySQL and PHP on DebianVPSNginx is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server which unlike his ‘friends’, it does not rely on threaded handling of the requests but instead it uses a much more scalable event driven (asynchronous) architecture. This uses a very small and predictable amount of memory under heavy load. Nginx in combination with the simple and very robust FastCGI Process Manager for PHP (PHP-FPM) and the world most popular database server MySQL can give you a lot of power and performance while still using a small memory footprint.

The following article looks at how to install and configure this stack on one of our Debian based VPSes.

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