How to Use the Du Command in Linux

how to use the du command in Linux

In this tutorial, we are going to explain the “du” command used on every Linux distribution such as Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS.

“Du” stands for Disk Usage and every Linux user should use it very often to check the amount of disk space used by directory or file. Using the “du” command is very simple by typing it on the console and adding additional phrases called options. In other words, the “du” command is different every time, according to the needs of the user and what the user wants to be displayed as output.

In this blog post, the “du” command will be explained with real examples. Let’s get started!

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How to Download a File From a Server to Your Desktop Using SSH

download files ssh to desktop

An SSH session is like a portal into another machine. If you’re used to working with Windows, you’ll know how easy it is to transfer files from one location to another. Just drag and drop! No text commands, no authentication, none of that.

ssh download command

However, sometimes you will need to download a file from SSH to your local desktop, such as if you are using one of our managed VPS hosting services. And there’s no simple command from within the SSH terminal itself to do this. The two environments are too far apart. However, we have a dedicated tool called “SCP” which stands for “Secure Copy” that’s made for precisely these kinds of situations.

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Magento Tips & Tricks for Better Performance

great Magento performance

While the Magento architecture is very flexible and powerful, it requires more resources to maintain this flexibility. However, it does not mean that Magento can’t be responsive. We’ll show you what to look our for, as well as some tips and tricks to achieve the best performance from your Magento server.

tips Magento faster

If you set up and optimize your website properly and invest in quality web hosting, you can achieve a high-performance Magento store. However, that doesn’t tell the whole story. We’ll also show you what you should focus on when choosing a Magento hosting provider.

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How to Install and Use Wget on Linux

How to Install Wget on Linux

Wget is a non-interactive network download utility for the Linux command line interface. It’s is used for downloading or retrieving files from web servers or FTP servers. Wget can be installed on most modern operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Wget Usage

The Wget command comes with several options that allow you to download multiple files, download in the background, mirror a website, resume downloads, limit the bandwidth, download recursively, and lots more. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, and the FTP protocols and also retrieval through HTTP proxies.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and use Wget command with some examples on how to use Wget.

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How to Create and Run Cron Jobs on Linux

Cron is a scheduling utility in Linux distributions that can be used to executes tasks at specified intervals. It allows you to run almost any commands or scripts at a specific time and date, or at a recurring interval.

Cron is a very useful tool for a system administrators to automate repetitive tasks of any sort, such as system updates, sending emails, checking system resource usage, creating backups, and so on. Realistically, anything that can be automated can be added to Cron so that it executes without any user involvement.

Cron runs in the background and constantly checks the /etc/crontab file, and the /etc/cron.*/ and /var/spool/cron/ directories. Each user has their own separate crontab file.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create and run Cron jobs on a Linux VPS. The same steps should work on almost all Linux machines, regardless of whether it’s a server or a desktop computer.

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Bash Script Examples

In this tutorial, we will explain the most common bash operations while also showing you a few bash script examples.

A Unix shell program interprets instructions and programs in the form of commands. These commands are either directly entered by the user, or they can be run in sequence from a file (called a shell script). An important distinction of bash scripts when compared to other coding languages is that they are interpreted and not compiled. When you write a shell script and then run it, it’s interpreted by your operating system, with no compilation required.

Bash scripts are a versatile and handy tool that most system administrators love using to simplify their workflow and automate repetitive tasks. With scripts, you can do almost anything that you can do using a normal shell environment.

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How to Add a User to a Group on a Linux Server

How to Add a User to a Group on Linux

User groups play an important role in any Linux operating system and its distributions. Groups make it easier to manage larger amounts of users, giving you the ability to give all of them the same security and access privileges.

For example, files and devices may be granted access based on a user’s ID or group ID. Groups allow you to set a file’s permission for the entire group instead of setting permissions for each individual user. Overall, this makes managing permissions for your server’s users a very simple and straightforward process. Let’s show you how to add users to groups on a Linux VPS.

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How to Change the Default SSH Port on Linux

In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the SSH default port in Linux, and go over why changing this default port is a good idea. IMPORTANT: Before we go any further, you should understand that this is not a solution that will prevent or deter a determined hacker to attack your SSH service. It is merely a measure to help you avoid the thousands of automated bots running all the time scanning vast ranges of IP space searching for standard SSH ports being open. Preventing a determined hacker from brute-forcing your SSH service is beyond the scope of this article.

SSH, also known as Secure Shell, is the most widely-used protocol for connecting to and managing Linux systems remotely. SSH offers strong encryption and authentication along with excellent customizability, and using SSH gives you the freedom of accessing a remote machine. You can run services and software as if you were physically using the machine, no matter where you are.

By default, SSH runs on port 22. Since this is common knowledge, this port often becomes a target for brute force attacks. Because this provides full access to your server’s OS, people with malicious intent will often target port 22 more than any other port. Changing the default SSH port will prevent automated attacks that don’t spend the time to rotate ports when targeting a Linux Server. To protect your server from a brute force attack, you should change the default SSH port to something else.

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