What’s the difference between unmanaged, semi-managed and managed VPS hosting?

semi-managed VPSThere are essentially three types of VPS hosting in terms of management and support: unmanaged, semi-managed and fully managed VPS hosting. In an unmanaged VPS environment, the entire server administration and the responsibilities of necessary configuration and management of the virtual server are responsibility of the end user. Users need to have some knowledge in administration of Linux servers. The security of an unmanaged virtual server is entirely the user’s responsibility as well. Users have to keep the server’s services and website scripts up to date by upgrading whenever a new version is released to keep the server secure and avoid vulnerabilities.

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Install and configure SVN WebDAV server on a CentOS 6 VPS

webdav-logoThis how-to looks at how to install and configure a SVN (subversion) WebDAV accessible repository server using Apache and a CentOS VPS. What is SVN? It is an open-source centralized version control system, which can track and store the history of files and directories in its repositories with the ability to examine the history of how the data changed and if needed to recover some older versions of the data.

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Security Tips for Your Server

securityOne of the first things you should do when running a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is to secure your server as much as possible. This way you will protect your server against various security attacks which may harm or even destroy your data.

Here are a few easy tips on how to improve the stability and security of your Virtual Private Server:

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