How to enable SSH on Ubuntu (for 20.04, 22.04)

Enable SSH on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04

It is possible to enable SSH on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 in only six steps. Secure Shell (SSH) is a network protocol that allows secure remote access to servers and other devices over an unsecured network. It’s an essential tool for system administrators and developers who need to manage their servers remotely. SSH default port is 22, but it can also be changed in the configuration file. The ssh daemon ‘sshd’ is running in the background listening for incoming SSH connections. Enabling SSH on Ubuntu 20.04 and the newer version, Ubuntu 22.04, is a straightforward process, and this guide will walk you through the steps.

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How to Set up SSH Key Authentication on Linux

how to set up ssh key authentication on linux

With brute-force attacks becoming more and more common, it’s best to prevent any malicious users from ever being able to attempt to guess your password. That’s why it’s important to set up SSH key authentication on your Linux server. Using key-based authentication is a lot safer and can pretty much never be guessed by anyone else. It’s also super easy to set up. Let’s get right into it.

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How To Protect SSH with Fail2Ban on Ubuntu 22.04

how to protect ssh with fail2ban on ubuntu 22.04

In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to protect SSH with Fail2ban on Ubuntu 22.04

SSH stands for Secure Shell Protocol and is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. Fail2ban is an intrusion prevention software framework. Fail2ban is written in Python and is used to prevent brute-force attacks. In the next paragraphs, we are going to install Fail2ban and will provide you with commands for managing the fail2ban service. Then we will proceed with the fail2ban configuration for SSH protection.

Installing Fail2ban and protecting SSH is a straightforward process and may take up to 15 minutes. Let’s get started!

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Set Up Multi-Factor Authentication for SSH on Ubuntu 20.04

how to set up multi-factor authentication for ssh on ubuntu 20.04

SSH is a “Secure Shell Protocol” used to connect and manage remote Linux systems securely over an unsecured network. It is very useful for system administrators to perform day-to-day tasks on the remote server. So securing an SSH server is an essential part of any system administrator.

By default, you can connect to SSH with a password or using the private key. That means, it is only a single factor authentication. So it is a good idea to implement multi-factor authentication in the SSH server to add an extra layer of security. In multi-factor authentication, you will need to provide your system user password and another password generated on a mobile device. This will significantly enhance your server’s security.

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How to Download a File From a Server to Your Desktop Using SSH

download files ssh to desktop

An SSH session is like a portal into another machine. If you’re used to working with Windows, you’ll know how easy it is to transfer files from one location to another. Just drag and drop! No text commands, no authentication, none of that.

ssh download command

However, sometimes you will need to download a file from SSH to your local desktop, such as if you are using one of our managed VPS hosting services. And there’s no simple command from within the SSH terminal itself to do this. The two environments are too far apart. However, we have a dedicated tool called “SCP” which stands for “Secure Copy” that’s made for precisely these kinds of situations.

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How to Change the Default SSH Port on Linux

In this tutorial, we will show you how to change the SSH default port in Linux, and go over why changing this default port is a good idea. IMPORTANT: Before we go any further, you should understand that this is not a solution that will prevent or deter a determined hacker to attack your SSH service. It is merely a measure to help you avoid the thousands of automated bots running all the time scanning vast ranges of IP space searching for standard SSH ports being open. Preventing a determined hacker from brute-forcing your SSH service is beyond the scope of this article.

SSH, also known as Secure Shell, is the most widely-used protocol for connecting to and managing Linux systems remotely. SSH offers strong encryption and authentication along with excellent customizability, and using SSH gives you the freedom of accessing a remote machine. You can run services and software as if you were physically using the machine, no matter where you are.

By default, SSH runs on port 22. Since this is common knowledge, this port often becomes a target for brute force attacks. Because this provides full access to your server’s OS, people with malicious intent will often target port 22 more than any other port. Changing the default SSH port will prevent automated attacks that don’t spend the time to rotate ports when targeting a Linux Server. To protect your server from a brute force attack, you should change the default SSH port to something else.

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How to Use a Private Key and PuTTY to Log into Your Server Securely

Improve Login Security Using Private Keys and PuTTY

With security becoming increasingly important in today’s modern world of information theft and privacy concerns, keeping your server safe and secure has almost become a necessity. While several methods exist to properly secure your server, from using a long password to two-factor authentication, they can be quite a hassle to set up and use on a day-to-day basis. However, private keys offer a good balance between convenience and security.

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How to Recover from an Accidental SSH Disconnection on Linux

How to Recover from an Accidental SSH Disconnection on Linux
How to Recover from an Accidental SSH Disconnection on Linux

SSH remains the most common way by which we access our Linux servers. Most people don’t manually log into the server console itself. Through SSH, you can do almost everything except for certain low-level operations. However, this leaves us open to the possibility of disconnection. It might be unexpected but is a very real possibility. A sudden fluctuation on the Internet, a power surge, and your SSH session are immediately terminated. Along with that, any processes that might have been running are typically terminated as well. Not just the ones active, but all the background processes as well. If you were doing something important that shouldn’t be interrupted in the middle – like a complex installation, this can completely mess up your system.

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