How to Multi-Task in Linux with the Command Line

How to Multi-Task in Linux with the Command Line
How to Multi-Task in Linux with the Command Line

One of the most jarring moments when moving from a Windows-based environment to using the command line is the loss of easy multi-tasking. Even on Linux, if you use an X Window system, you can use the mouse to just click on a new program and open it. On the command line, however, you’re pretty much stuck with what’s on your screen at any given time. In this tutorial, we will show you how to multi-task in Linux with the command line.

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How to upgrade a WordPress website via SSH

wordpress-logo-notext-rgbKeeping your WordPress installation, plugins and themes up to date is very important. You have to continually update WordPress immediately after a new version is released. The new versions will bring you new features, bug fixes, stability improvements and the most important – security fixes. If you do not update your WordPress  website it is very likely that your website will be hacked at some point. In this case you can lose your website content, your customers, lose your Google ranking, your website can be defaced, your server can be used for spamming, and many more. So, updating WordPress should be on the top of your list when it comes to the security of your Linux virtual server.

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