How to Use a Private Key and PuTTY to Log into Your Server Securely

Improve Login Security Using Private Keys and PuTTY

With security becoming increasingly important in today’s modern world of information theft and privacy concerns, keeping your server safe and secure has almost become a necessity. While several methods exist to properly secure your server, from using a long password to two-factor authentication, they can be quite a hassle to set up and use on a day-to-day basis. However, private keys offer a good balance between convenience and security.

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Putty Commands

putty commands

With the rise of control panels over the years administering a server has become less challenging for beginners in the wonderful Linux world. You have WHM/cPanel, DirectAdmin, Webmin, ISPConfig, Vesta, and other control panels that ease the server management to a level that everyone will find suitable.

On the other hand, managing a server without a control panel knows to be tricky. The server owner must have at least a basic understanding and knowledge of Linux administration and commands.

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