How to install and use Rkhunter on a Linux server for rootkit, local exploits, malware and backdoors scanning

Rootkits and backdoors are often the worst type of compromise possible. To protect your server against rootkits, backdoors and other security problems it is recommended to install and use Rkhunter on your Linux VPS. Rkhunter (Rootkit Hunter) is a very useful open source software utility that makes various checks on the local system and scans for known rootkits, local exploits, malware and backdoors. Rkhunter checks to see whether the binary files or system startup files have been modified, and performs various checks on the network interfaces, including checks for listening services and applications. Rkhunter runs on most Linux and UNIX systems. It can be run from the command line, but it can also be scheduled to execute on a daily basis as a cron job.

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Install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS

Install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS

In this blog article we will show you how to install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on a CentOS VPS. Nessus is powerful, free and easy to use proprietary security scanner. Its plug-in architecture makes Nessus to be very customizable and allows users to customize it according to their needs. Nessus database is frequently updated and it makes is very efficient. According many surveys Nessus is the most popular vulnerability scanner in the world. Installing Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial bellow.

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Optimize your CentOS 6 VPS Nginx-powered Joomla Installation

optimize-your-centos-6-vps-nginx-powered-joomla-installationAs promised, in this sequel of my previous post, we’ll see some useful steps for performance and security optimization of your Nginx-powered Joomla installation on a CentOS VPS and get it ready for its production run. Please note that these are not one-time and/or persistent settings. Performance and security optimization is a constant process.

So, the first thing I do after every Joomla installation is to hide its version, since it’s known that attackers usually scan for the Joomla version so they can track and explore its vulnerabilities.

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Install Fail2ban on CentOS

Install Fail2ban on CentOS

In this article we will explain how to install fail2ban on CentOS. Fail2ban is a free and open source framework developed in Python. It is an excellent and very helpful tool for stopping the endless brute force attacks on your services and preventing intrusions into your system. Fail2ban scans the log files on your server for repeated password failures and bans the offending IP addresses. Installing Fail2Ban on CentOs is an easy task if you carefully follow the steps bellow.

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How to improve your Debian VPS security by using DenyHosts and Logwatch

DebianWhat is DenyHosts?

It is a python script intended to be run by GNU/Linux system administrators and users to help thwart SSH server attacks which are also known as dictionary based attacks and brute force attacks. It has the ability to run as a daemon and it can automatically block attackers and prevent them from gaining access to your server.

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