How To Set Up SSH Keys on Ubuntu 16.04

How To Set Up SSH Keys on Ubuntu 16.04

We’ll show you how to set up SSH keys on Ubuntu 16.04. SSH or Secure SHELL is the most popular and trusted UNIX-based cryptographic network protocol. It can be used for a secure data communication, remote server logins, remote command execution, and many other secure network services between two networked servers. Normally, password authentication is used to connect to a remote server via SSH but in this tutorial we will show you how to login to your Ubuntu 16.04 VPS using SSH keys. We will generate a key pair (private and public key), place the private key on your server and then use your locally stored private key to gain access to your server. This method provides a more secure way of connecting to your server, instead of just using a password.

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How to Install and Configure OpenSSH on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install and Configure OpenSSH on Ubuntu 16.04

In this tutorial we will show you how to install, configure and use OpenSSH on Ubuntu 16.04. SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol that allows you to access a remote machine securely while OpenSSH is a set of tools based on the SSH protocol. Today we will show you how to install and configure OpenSSH on a Linux VPS using Ubuntu 16.04 as an operating system.

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Secure SSH using two-factor authentication on Ubuntu 16.04

Secure SSH using two-factor authentication on Ubuntu 16.04

In this tutorial, we will describe the necessary steps to configure two-factor authentication (2FA) using Google authenticator on an Ubuntu 16.04 VPS. This application includes implementations of one-time passcode generators for several mobile platforms. This method adds another layer of protection to your server adding an extra step to the basic login procedure.

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Change the default SSH port on Linux

change the default SSH port on Linux

Today we’ll show you, how to change the default SSH port on Linux. Changing the default SSH port from the default 22 to another one is one of the first things you should do to secure your Linux VPS. One of the major benefits of changing the default SSH port is to avoid being scanned by the causal port scans.

Thousands of brute-force logins are attempting to gain access to servers around the world trying to login to the default SSH port looking for weak passwords on the default accounts. Some of them will even try to use the usual variants such as port 222 or 2222. If you change the SSH port to a random number, for example, 2569, you will get rid of most of these annoying and sometimes dangerous brute-force attacks. Changing the default SSH port on Linux, is an easy task, carefully follow our tutorial below and you should have it done in less than 10 minutes.

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Putty Commands

putty commands

With the rise of control panels over the years administering a server has become less challenging for beginners in the wonderful Linux world. You have WHM/cPanel, DirectAdmin, Webmin, ISPConfig, Vesta, and other control panels that ease the server management to a level that everyone will find suitable.

On the other hand, managing a server without a control panel knows to be tricky. The server owner must have at least a basic understanding and knowledge of Linux administration and commands.

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Connecting via SSH to your server

Connecting via SSH to your server

We’ll show you how to connect your VPS Server via SSH. If you have a new Linux VPS and you are not familiar with the procedure how to manage your server, we will show you few simple steps to connect to it for the first time and to be able to use some of its basic operations. If you are ready, we can start. Connecting via SSH to your server, is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial bellow.

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SSH login without password

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ssh login without password

SSH or Secure SHELL is the most popular and trusted UNIX-based cryptographic network protocol. It can be used for secure data communication, remote server logins, remote command execution, and many other secure network services between two networked servers. Normally, password authentication is used to connect to a remote server via SSH. In this blog tutorial we will show you how to login to a remote Linux VPS without password, using SSH keys. This method is more secure than using a password.

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How to secure your SSH using two-step authentication on CentOS 6

secure SSH using two-step authentication on CentOSThere are several things you can do to secure and protect your SSH. One of them is to use Google Authenticator and create a two-factor authentication on your CentOS VPS. Google Authenticator gives you an extra layer of security by generating time based one-time passwords (TOTP) on your smartphone that you must enter along with your username and password in order to login to the server via SSH.

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