How To Setup Apache, PHP & MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04

how to set up apache php and mongodb on ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial, we are going to explain in step-by-step detail how to setup Apache, PHP, and MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04

We will install the Apache Web server, the latest PHP version, and the MongoDB database server. The purpose of this post is to explain how can these three different types of services be configured on one server for future development tasks and the building of an amazing application. MongoDB is a free open-source, NoSQL backend database server, which works perfectly with Apache Web server and PHP as a scripting language.

This setup and environment will take up to 15 minutes. Let’s get started!

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MongoDB Replica Set with Master-Slave Replication and Automated Failover

A replica set is a group of MongoDB database nodes used for defining database clusters with master-slave replication and automated failover. A replica set contains a single primary node, multiple secondary nodes, and an arbiter node. The primary node receives all write operations while other nodes apply operations from the primary so that all nodes have the same data set.

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How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04 and CentOS 8

how to install mongodb on ubuntu 20.04 and centos 8
installing mongodb on ubuntu 20.04 and centos 8

MongoDB is an open-source and cross-platform NoSQL database system developed by MongoDB Inc. It is 100 times faster than a traditional database system like RDMS. It uses JSON-like documents to store its data. It is used in many modern web applications because it can be easily integrated with several programming languages. It is used by many big companies including, Uber, Stack, Lyft, Accenture, and many more.

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How to Install Cezerin on Debian 9

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Cezerin on a Debian 9 VPS.

Cezerin is an eCommerce platform powered by React, NodeJS, and MongoDB. It is an open-source platform that enables us to create progressive web apps for eCommerce. With Cezerin, your eCommerce website will load very fast because it is a single page application that only fetches JSON, and not HTML. Let’s begin with the installation.

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How to Install MongoDB on Debian 9

How to Install MongoDB on Debian 9

In today’s article we are going to show you how to install MongoDB on Debian 9. MongoDB is a free and open-source NoSQL document-oriented database which is platform oriented. It stores all data in documents using JSON format (BSON) which makes the data to be highly flexible. MongoDB comes in Community and Enterprise editions. The Enterprise edition provides additional administration, authentication, and monitoring features. Community edition is the free and open source release of MongoDB and we will install it in this tutorial on a Debiab 9 VPS.

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How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04

How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04
How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04

Installing MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04Today we are going to discuss how to install MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04. MongoDB is a free and open source document-oriented NoSQL and cross-platform database server. It is a high-performance database program, used by one of the biggest companies in the world like Google, Adobe, SAP, EA, eBay, Verizon. The process of Installing MongoDB on Ubuntu 16.04 should take approximately  10 minutes. In this tutorial, we will install the MongoDB community version. Let’s get started.

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Install MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7

Install MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7

We will show you how to install MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7. MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database and it is cross-platform which makes the process of data integration faster and much easier. RockMongo on the other hand is an open source tool developed for MongoDB administration, written in PHP 5. Its interface is user-friendly and provides an easy way to create databases, query collections, import and export data, insert and fetch documents etc… It is the MongoDB administration tool equivalent of phpMyAdmin. So what are the MongoDB and RockMongo prerequisites you ask? Well, you’ll need a web server with PHP 5.* installed and the php_mongo extension enabled. Installing MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7 is fairly easy task, if you carefully follow the steps below.

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