MongoDB Replica Set with Master-Slave Replication and Automated Failover

A replica set is a group of MongoDB database nodes used for defining database clusters with master-slave replication and automated failover. A replica set contains a single primary node, multiple secondary nodes, and an arbiter node. The primary node receives all write operations while other nodes apply operations from the primary so that all nodes have the same data set.

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How to Change the root Password in Linux

How to Change Root Password in Linux
How to Change Root Password in Linux

Change Root Password LinuxIn today’s tutorial, we will show you how to change the root password in Linux. The root account on a Linux machine is the highest authority account on the system. It has control over everything, can delete and modify anything, and has permission to run any program. Simply put, the root account can do anything that the system supports. Typically, casual users never need to use the root account, while more experienced users need the root account more often, especially if they spend a large amount of their time at a terminal. So, even if you don’t use the root account much, it helps to put a more secure password so that malicious users don’t log into the root account and wreak havoc on your system.

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