Install mod_security with the OWASP core rule set on a CentOS VPS

mod-security-raise-up-your-apache-webserver-security-and-protect-against-cross-site-scripting-javascript-hacks-and-virusesMod_Security is free and open source web application firewall for Apache and Nginx. It is very useful for protecting your web server from various attacks by blocking most of the known exploits using regular expressions and rule sets. Mod_security can detect attacks by monitoring and analyzing the HTTP traffic in real time. In this blog tutorial we will guide you through the process of installing mod_security with the OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) core rule set on a CentOS VPS from source.

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How to Install WordPress on CentOS 7

Install WordPress on CentOS 7

We will show you, how to install WordPress on Centos 7, using Apache web-server and MySQL database. WordPress is a web software (content management system) you can use to create a beautiful website or blog. An open source CMS, WordPress is often used as a blog publishing application powered by PHP and MySQL. Currently it is the most popular of the blogging platforms available. Installing WordPress on CentOS 7 is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial below.

Before you start the installation, please make sure that you have LAMP stack installed on your server. If not, follow our excellent tutorial about installing LAMP (Linux Apache, MariaDB & PHP) on CentOS 7.

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How to backup and restore MySQL database

How to backup and restore MySQL database

We’ll show you, How to backup and restore MySQL database. If you are a computer user then you probably know how bad is to accidentally lose some of your important data. To avoid such situations you should create a backup of your data and store the backup file in a safe place. By doing this you can easily restore the lost data and you can get back on track very quickly. Today, we will show you how to create a backup of your MySQL database and restore it later on your Linux VPS. The procedure is very easy and could be very helpful especially if you store all your website data into a single database.

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SSH login without password

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ssh login without password

SSH or Secure SHELL is the most popular and trusted UNIX-based cryptographic network protocol. It can be used for secure data communication, remote server logins, remote command execution, and many other secure network services between two networked servers. Normally, password authentication is used to connect to a remote server via SSH. In this blog tutorial we will show you how to login to a remote Linux VPS without password, using SSH keys. This method is more secure than using a password.

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Install Ajenti Control Panel on a CentOS Server

ajentiAre you looking for a great alternative to Webmin, Kloxo and VestaCP? Well, search no more because Ajenti is an excellent, lightweight and powerful web-based server administration panel. It is a very intuitive, multilingual free control panel that manages almost every aspect of your server.

Ajenti provides a fast and responsive web interface for managing your server, whether you have a Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server) or a Dedicated server. It is built with many pre-made plugins for configuring and monitoring server software and services. To mention few: Apache, Cron, File System, Firewall, MySQL, FTP and many other tools like File Manager, Code Editor for developers and Terminal access.
You will barely need to login to a command line interface either using Putty or Terminal if you have this control panel installed on your server.

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