SSH login without password

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ssh login without password

SSH or Secure SHELL is the most popular and trusted UNIX-based cryptographic network protocol. It can be used for secure data communication, remote server logins, remote command execution, and many other secure network services between two networked servers. Normally, password authentication is used to connect to a remote server via SSH. In this blog tutorial we will show you how to login to a remote Linux VPS without password, using SSH keys. This method is more secure than using a password.

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How to secure your SSH using two-step authentication on CentOS 6

secure SSH using two-step authentication on CentOSThere are several things you can do to secure and protect your SSH. One of them is to use Google Authenticator and create a two-factor authentication on your CentOS VPS. Google Authenticator gives you an extra layer of security by generating time based one-time passwords (TOTP) on your smartphone that you must enter along with your username and password in order to login to the server via SSH.

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