How to set-up TT-RSS (tiny-tiny RSS) on CentOS 6

how-to-install-and-configure-tt-rss-tyny-tyny-rss-on-centos-6 The following article aims to teach you how you can install and configure TT-RSS (tiny-tiny RSS) on CentOS 6.

We are using one of our blazing fast CentOS 6 VPS, but the procedure applies to any other CentOS 6 based machine.

What is Tiny Tiny RSS?

It is an open source, web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.

Features of Tiny Tiny RSS:

  • Server-side AJAX-powered application, user only needs a web browser
  • Free software, licensed under GNU GPL
  • Supports feed aggregation / syndication,
  • Supports keyboard shortcuts
  • Supports OPML import/export
  • Supports sharing arbitrary content through tt-rss
  • Supports mobile device

and many more….

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Join our VPS affiliate program

vps-affiliate-programAs you may already know, we recently introduced our affiliate program on our website. Our VPS affiliate program is ideal for all individuals, webmasters, business owners and organizations who want to earn an easy recurring income without making any financial investment.

We offer attractive payouts to our affiliates. You get $5.00 just for signing up!

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How to Install Etherpad Lite on Debian Wheezy


In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Etherpad Lite on Debian Wheezy. Etherpad Lite is an Open Source web-based editor providing collaborative editing in real-time, including built-in chat box. This all takes place on one of our Linux VPS hosting plans but it should work just as well on any other Linux installation.

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How to install Panda3D on Ubuntu 10.04

how to install panda3d on ubuntu vpsThis is a short tutorial on how to install Panda3D on Ubuntu 10.04.
Panda3D is an awesome open source 3D game and simulation engine. It is a 3d rendering and game development framework for C++ and Python applications.

Panda3D can be used free of charge for all uses, including commercial ventures. The easiest way to install it on our ubuntu virtual servers is to use the DEB packages.

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Script: Install WordPress on a Debian/Ubuntu VPS

Previously we explained how to install WordPress on a Debian VPS. Also you can install WordPress on Debian or Ubuntu VPS in an easier way, using the script provided in this article. This script will create a MySQL database, will download and configure the latest WordPress version and create Apache virtual host for you automatically. All you need to do is to create a file on your WordPress VPS with the content shown below, make the file executable, execute it and enter a few parameters.

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