Install Sugar CRM on a CentOS/Fedora/Scientitic Linux VPS

Sugar CRM is a web based customer relationship management (CRM) system written in PHP. It is available in three different editions: Community Edition (which is free), Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition. This blog post covers the installation of the free Community Edition of Sugar CRM on a CentOS/Fedora/Scientitic Linux VPS which is pretty easy and fast.

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Install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS

Install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS

In this blog article we will show you how to install Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on a CentOS VPS. Nessus is powerful, free and easy to use proprietary security scanner. Its plug-in architecture makes Nessus to be very customizable and allows users to customize it according to their needs. Nessus database is frequently updated and it makes is very efficient. According many surveys Nessus is the most popular vulnerability scanner in the world. Installing Nessus Vulnerability Scanner on CentOS is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial bellow.

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Speed-up your PHP based websites using Zend Optimizer on a CentOS 6 VPS

speed-up-your-php-based-websites-using-zend-optimizer-on-a-centos-6-vpsIn the following article we will guide you through the steps on how to install and set-up Zend Optimizer on a CentOS 6 Linux VPS.

Installing Zend OPcache will significantly boost your website’s speed and performance.


How is Zend OPcache able to speed up my website?

The Zend OPcache provides faster PHP execution through opcode caching and optimization. It improves PHP performance by storing pre-compiled script byte-code in shared memory.  This eliminates the stages of reading code from disk and compiling it on future access. In addition, it applies a few byte-code optimization patterns that make code execution faster.

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How to install phpBB 3 on a CentOS 6 VPS

320px-Phpbb3-ccw-logoToday’s article will be about installing and configuring phpBB3 on a CentOS 6 VPS. phpBB (PHP Bulletin Board) is one of the most popular free and open-source bulletin boards written in the PHP scripting language and used by millions of people around the world. With phpBB you can easily create your discussion boards and start your own community with just a few clicks of your mouse. phpBB is very customizable and there are a number of templates, languages, style and image packages available for it’s customization.

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Install Fork CMS on a Debian VPS

forkIn this tutorial we’ll see how to install Fork CMS on a Debian 7 (Wheezy) VPS with MySQL, PHP-FPM and Nginx
Fork CMS is an open-source Content Management System written in PHP and comes with modules, themes, multi-language support, search engine optimisation and many more. Fork CMS is dedicated to creating a user friendly environment to build, monitor and update your website.


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How to install LEMP and run TT-RSS on a Fedora 20 VPS

how-to-install-lemp-and-run-tt-rss-on-fedora-20-vpsThe following blog post will guide you through the steps of installing LEMP (Linux Nginx MariaDB and PHP) and setting up TT-RSS (Tiny-Tiny RSS) on a Fedora 20 VPS.

What is Tiny Tiny RSS?

It is an open source, web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) reader and aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.


Some of the TT-RSS features are:

  • Server-side AJAX-powered application, user only needs a web browser
  • Free software, licensed under GNU GPL
  • Supports feed aggregation / syndication,
  • Supports keyboard shortcuts
  • Supports OPML import/export
  • Supports sharing arbitrary content through tt-rss
  • Supports mobile device

and much more….

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