What Makes Us the Saints of Hosting™?

Saints of Hosting

We have been asked before, many a time actually, how we manage to keep such a high standard of hosting and costly premium equipment yet not charge an arm and a leg. How do we remain profitable, and why do several competitors charge a lot more for a lot less?

First and foremost, we have been in the hosting industry for over two decades. We understand what it takes to make our customers truly happy. We simply don’t give anyone a reason to leave us, which means less churn, less nedless work and less overhead. We then pass on that saving to our customers, making them want to stick around even more. It’s a positive feedback loop philosophy whereby we eliminate the unnecessary and treat our customers exactly like we would want to be treated by our suppliers. It’s pretty simple, really.

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What’s the difference between unmanaged, semi-managed and managed VPS hosting?

semi-managed VPSThere are essentially three types of VPS hosting in terms of management and support: unmanaged, semi-managed and fully managed VPS hosting. In an unmanaged VPS environment, the entire server administration and the responsibilities of necessary configuration and management of the virtual server are responsibility of the end user. Users need to have some knowledge in administration of Linux servers. The security of an unmanaged virtual server is entirely the user’s responsibility as well. Users have to keep the server’s services and website scripts up to date by upgrading whenever a new version is released to keep the server secure and avoid vulnerabilities.

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