Best Ways to Optimize Images for Web Performance

best ways to optimize images for web performance

Unoptimized images are one of the most common causes for a slow website. With slow load times comes a negative impact on search engine rankings and user experience. Fortunately, optimizing images for web performance is a crucial step in ensuring fast-loading websites. Read on to find out how you can optimize images for web and improve your website’s page performance.

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Best Ways to Improve Core Web Vitals

best ways to improve core web vitals

Optimizing website performance is essential for businesses today. In the digital age, visitors expect fast-loading websites with smooth scrolling and seamless transitions. Google has recently introduced the Core Web Vitals metric to measure performance.

This metric determines the page experience score, which affects the website’s ranking on the search engine result page. In this article, we will discuss Core Web Vitals, why website performance optimization is important, and how to improve Core Web Vitals.

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How to Improve the Speed and Rank of a WordPress Website


WordPress is one of the most widely-used platforms to host a website. Learning how to improve the speed and rank of a WordPress website is a hot topic these days. With more and more users sharing their ideas online using CMSes, having a WordPress site that stands out is important.

improve speed and rank of wordPress website guide

There are several techniques that you can implement to increase the speed of your WordPress-based website. Fast loading pages improve the overall user experience, increase your website page views, and boost SEO ranks. Therefore, knowing how to speed up WordPress is an essential skill for any webmaster.

Without taking the right actions, you could end up with a sluggish site. That will cause you to lose repeated visitors, subscribers, and customers. In this tutorial, we are here to explain some useful techniques to speed up your WordPress website.

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How to improve the performance of your website with APC and memcached.

apc-memcachedToday we will show you how to improve the performance of your website with APC and memcached.
APC stands for Alternative PHP Cache and it is an open source solution if you like to speed-up your website. APC caches the output of compiled PHP code and stores the result in shared memory.
Memcached on the other hand, stores arbitrary data such as strings and objects that come up as a result from API, database calls etc. It is open source as well and it is intended for improving the performance of your website.

The installation of APC and memcahed is very simple and usually takes 10-15 minutes to be completed. This guide will show you how to do that on a Linux VPS.

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