Install Memcached with Apache on Ubuntu 20.04

install memcached with apache on ubuntu 20.04
How to Install Memcached with Apache on Ubuntu 20.04

Memcached is an open-source object caching program that speeds up your database performance by caching data in memory. It is very useful for dynamic websites that allow repeated PHP object calls to be cached in system memory. It stores data based on key-values for small arbitrary strings or objects. It offers a lot of features including, ease of use, sub-millisecond latency, multithreaded architecture, data partitioning, support for multiple languages, and many more.

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How to improve the performance of your website with APC and memcached.

apc-memcachedToday we will show you how to improve the performance of your website with APC and memcached.
APC stands for Alternative PHP Cache and it is an open source solution if you like to speed-up your website. APC caches the output of compiled PHP code and stores the result in shared memory.
Memcached on the other hand, stores arbitrary data such as strings and objects that come up as a result from API, database calls etc. It is open source as well and it is intended for improving the performance of your website.

The installation of APC and memcahed is very simple and usually takes 10-15 minutes to be completed. This guide will show you how to do that on a Linux VPS.

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