Install Plone with Nginx on a Debian 8 VPS

plonelogoIn this article we will cover the steps needed for installing Plone CMS with Nginx on a Debian 8 VPS.

Plone is a free and popular open source content management system based on the Python programming language. It is built on top of the Zope application server and shares many similarities with WordPress.

Plone is positioned as an “Enterprise CMS” and it is very easy and flexible to use. Using Plone you can design, create and manage content rich websites. Plone is commonly used for intranets and as a groupware collaboration tool or a document publishing system.

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Install and configure eXo Platform with Nginx as a reverse proxy on a Debian 8 VPS

exoeXo Platform is an out-of-the-box social intranet solution written in Java. It allows developers to build modern business portals with complete collaborative and content management features.

With eXo you can also create social intranets with rich collaboration features such as wikis, forums, calendars and documents smartly integrated around activity streams, social networking and workspaces. It is carefully designed to instantly engage users. It runs within the trusted security of an enterprise platform and is highly customizable to adapt when your needs evolve.

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Install Odoo on a Debian 8 VPS with Nginx as a reverse proxy

install-odoo-on-a-debian-8-vps-with-nginx-as-a-reverse-proxyIn this tutorial, we will explain how to install Odoo on a Debian 8 VPS with Nginx as a reverse proxy. There are multiple ways to install Odoo, but in this tutorial we will install the latest Odoo 8.0 from the official Odoo repositories using the debian package manager. This guide should work on other Linux VPS systems as well but was tested and written for an Debian 8 VPS.

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How to setup a mailserver with Exim4 and DBMail on a Debian 7 VPS

how-to-setup-a-mailserver-with-exim4-and-dbmail-on-a-debian-7-vpsIn this article we will walk you through the steps on how to setup a mailserver with Exim4 and DBMail on a Debian 7 (Wheezy) Linux VPS.

What is Exim4?

It is a mail transfer agent (MTA) used on Unix-like operating systems which is responsible for receiving, routing, and delivering e-mail messages.

What is DBMail?

It is fast and scalable sql based email service which stores email messages in a relational database. It supports multiple front-ends like IMAP4, POP3, ManageSieve, LMTP etc. and multiple back-ends like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite.

Main advantages of DBMail are:

  • Scalability
  • Manageability
  • Speed
  • Security
  • Flexibility

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