Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04

how to install phpmyadmin on ubuntu 16.04

phpMyAdmin is the most popular and most widely used web-based database management tool. It is a free and open-source PHP application, that allows the users to manage single or multiple SQL database servers, locally or on a remote server using a web browser with easy to use graphic user interface. Today, we are going to teach you, how to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04.

install phpmyadmin ubuntu 16.04

Many developers need to interact and manipulate with their databases, but not all of them are comfortable with SQL commands, and this is where phpMyAdmin comes in handy. You e can easily create, rename, delete and edit databases, tables, or fields, execute SQL commands. You can easily import and export tables, create and modify users, and so on,  all via an easy-to-use GUI. Installing phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 16.04 is an easy task if you carefully follow the steps below.

We have an updated version of this tutorial – How to Install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 20.04

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