Create a MySQL Database and User in cPanel

mysql database user cpanel

We’ll show you, how to create a MySQL Database and User in cPanel. There are different ways to create a MySQL database and user. In one of our previous blog articles about MySQL database administration, we described how to create a new MySQL database and user through the command line which is pretty easy. If you have a Linux VPS with cPanel you can create a new MySQL database through the control panel with just few clicks of your mouse.cPanel is one of the most popular and widely used control panels. In this tutorial we will guide you through the process of creating a MySQL database and user, and assigning the user to the database, on a VPS with cPanel control panel.

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Install MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7

Install MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7

We will show you how to install MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7. MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented database and it is cross-platform which makes the process of data integration faster and much easier. RockMongo on the other hand is an open source tool developed for MongoDB administration, written in PHP 5. Its interface is user-friendly and provides an easy way to create databases, query collections, import and export data, insert and fetch documents etc… It is the MongoDB administration tool equivalent of phpMyAdmin. So what are the MongoDB and RockMongo prerequisites you ask? Well, you’ll need a web server with PHP 5.* installed and the php_mongo extension enabled. Installing MongoDB with RockMongo on CentOS 7 is fairly easy task, if you carefully follow the steps below.

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Install Apache Cassandra on Debian 7


Apache Cassandra is an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. Cassandra offers robust support for clusters spanning multiple datacenters, with asynchronous masterless replication allowing low latency operations for all clients.

The Apache Cassandra database is the right choice when you need scalability and high availability without compromising performance.

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How to install MyWebSQL on a CentOS VPS

MyWebSQL LogoMyWebSQL is a free and open source web based client for managing databases on your Linux VPS, and is written in PHP. It has a simple and intuitive interface with the look and feel of a desktop application. This PHP based application offers rich features for database management. With it’s fast and attractive web interface it is a very good alternative to the popular phpMyAdmin.

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How to install Chive on a Debian Wheezy VPS

logo-bigChive is another web based tool for managing MySQL databases just like the popular phpMyAdmin. It is free and open source tool written in PHP. Chive is used by thousands of customers because its administration is very easy and the user-interface is fast and simple. If you are looking for a replacement for phpMyAdmin, you should definitely install Chive on your Debian VPS.

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How to Reset MariaDB Root Password

How to Reset MariaDB Root Password

We’ll show you, how to reset MariaDB root password.  Did you forget your MariaDB root password? Do not worry, there is an easy way to reset your password on MariaDB in less than 5 minutes. Please note that you need to have root access to your server to be able to change the password of MariaDB. Resetting your MariaDB root password on your Linux server is an easy task if you carefully follow our tutorial below.

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