How To Install Suricata on Debian 11

how to install suricata on debian 11

In this tutorial, we are going to explain step-by-step how to install and customize Suricata on Debian 11.

Suricata is a Network Security Monitoring tool that processes and controls network traffic. It is used also for generating alerts, logs, and detecting suspicious packets or requests on any service coming to your server. Suricata can be deployed on a server host to scan the incoming and outgoing network traffic or it can be used locally on any compatible machine.

installing suricata on debian 11

In the next few steps, you will learn more about Suricata and its installation and customization. The installation is a straightforward process and can be done in a few minutes. Let’s get started!

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How to Install Config Server Firewall (CSF) on Debian 11

how to install config server firewall on debian 11

Config Server Firewall, also known as CSF, is a free firewall software used on Linux distributions. Except for the basic firewall functionality, it also offers IDS “intrusion detection system” as well as login and flood detection and other security features which help to keep your server secure.

installing config server firewall on debian 11

CSF offers integration with popular web Control Panels such as cPanel, Directadmin, and Webmin. The LFD ( Login Failure Daemon ) also supports the following applications for monitoring login failures: openSSH, vsftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, Mod_security failures, and many others. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Config Server Firewall (CSF) on Debian 11.

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How To Install Redis Server on Debian 11


How To Install Redis Server on Debian 11

Redis stands for Remote Dictionary Server and is an open-source data store. It supports various types of abstract data structures such as maps, lists, data sets, streams, strings, etc.

It was initially released back in 2009 and is one of the most popular key-value database applications when it comes to open-source. Redis usually writes data to a file system every 2 seconds, so that if there is a complete system failure, very little data would be lost.

installing redis server on debian 11

In this tutorial, we’ll cover all steps to install and run the Redis server on Debian 11.

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How to Install Ruby on Rails on Debian 11

How to Install Ruby on Rails on Debian 11

Ruby on Rails, or simply Rails, is an open-source web application framework built on top of the Ruby programming language. It is used by many developers since it makes application development very simple.

installing ruby on rails on debian 11

Basically, it’s a model-view-controller framework that provides default structures for databases, web pages, and various web services.

In the following tutorial, you will learn step-by-step how to install Ruby on Rails on a Debian 11 VPS.

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How to Install Mattermost on Debian 11

How to install Mattermost on Debian 11

Mattermost is a self-hosted and open-source online chat service designed to be used as an internal chat platform for companies and organizations. It is one of the main alternatives to the Slack Chat and Microsoft Teams platforms.

install mattermost on debian 11

Mattermost provides several app integrations and allows internal file sharing, search, and various other features to help increase staff productivity and work efficiency.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Mattermost with an Apache web server on a Debian 11 VPS.

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How to Install Python 3.9 on Debian 11

How to Install Python 3.9 on Debian 11

Python is a free, open-source programming language that was originally published in 1991 and has since gained widespread adoption. It’s used for general-purpose programming which makes it perfect to create apps on your phone or computer.

In this article, we’ll cover all you need to know and do to successfully install Python 3.9 on Debian 11.

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How to Set Up a Mail Server with PostfixAdmin on Debian 11

How to Set Up a Mail Server with PostfixAdmin on Debian 11

Postfix is a free and widely used open-source mail transfer agent. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite as the database server to store and manage the virtual domains.
PostfixAdmin is a free web-based interface to manage a postfix mail server. With this tool, we can easily add/remove/edit domain names, email accounts, email quotas, email forwarding, etc.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up a mail server with PostfixAdmin on Debian 11 (Bullseye) OS.

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How to Install Netdata on Debian 11

How to Install Netdata on Debian 11

In this post, we are going to show you how to install Netdata Monitoring Software on your Debian 11 operating system.

installing netdata on debian 11

Netdata is an open-source web-based monitoring system that provides real-time metrics such as CPU usage, disk activity, bandwidth usage, website visitors, and so on. All these metrics are collected and visualized into a perfect GUI that is very readable and understandable.

This monitoring software with its simplicity is usable by developers, system administrators, and even sometimes the owners of servers that are not very technically knowledgeable.

Installing Netdata on Debian 11 should take up to 10 minutes. Let’s get started!

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